Holiday Storytime Lesson Plans
While this page is sorely lacking in a number of holidays, bear with me as I start creating a lot more storytime lesson plans for holidays all year round from cultures around the world. While there are a lot of opinions on whether holidays should be celebrated at a public library or school, I feel it is important to try and celebrate the diversity of my community by acknowledging as many holidays as we can accurately and respectfully. We are extremely lucky in that we have a great connection with our school district and in particular the culture club where we often find high school students willing to help us with storytime for a few hours of volunteer work. And that way, we can celebrate a holiday that a staff member may not celebrate themselves, but do it in a much more authentic way with the help of someone who does celebrate.
For more information about storytime planning, check out my recently updated blog post that really shares step-by-step how I look at creating a successful storytime for any age group. You can also find even more great storytime lesson plans by checking out animals, concepts, and seasons. You can find even more great holiday book lists on the blog as well that reach far beyond just the picture books you’ll find below. If you’re looking for a comprehensive list of all the storytime plans on the blog, check out this page.
- January
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- Black Authors
- Black History Month
- Black Voices
- Dental Health
- Hugs & Kisses
- Love
- Lunar New Year
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