Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals 2023
It’s that time of year to set goals, resolutions, “words of the year”, basically a great big reset! Check out my word of the year – so far, I feel like it’s a great reminder when I start to get overwhelmed to take a deep breath. I love getting this chance to reflect on where I am and create goals for the future. Do I stick to my goals? Not always, but I do love setting them!
My bookish goals for 2023 are really focused on reading what I love, expanding out beyond what I know I’m going to like, and keeping track of what I’ve read. What are your reading goals this year? I’ve never really set a reading goal to read X number of books. I never ever want to feel like reading is a chore. Because, for me, reading is a time to relax at the end of the day or take a moment to pause. Do you set a goal to read a specific number of books or a more general goal to read more throughout the year?
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Bookish Goals for 2023
- Keep Better Track of My Reading
Inevitably, I have every intention of keeping track of my reading, but I can never remember titles! I’m the worst at remembering what I’ve read. I finally, turned on my reading history for my library card so that it tracks what I’ve checked out and I’m going to do my best to keep my Goodreads account up to date this year! - Try Some New Recipes from the Book Lover’s Cookbook
I just received the Book Lover’s Cookbook as a birthday gift and I’m so excited that it combines both of my loves – reading and cooking! I can’t wait to try some book-inspired recipes! - Try More YA Books
There are some amazing YA titles coming out this year, check out some of the debut titles from my post yesterday. I love a little romance, and a little fantasy, here’s to trying out more YA books. I always feel like YA books can get really heavy or dark, so I’m going to steer clear of those and focus on titles I think I’ll like! - Read More Widely
I’m great at reading books I know I’ll like, but every once in a while I need to push past my comfort zone and try something new. I’m currently reading Amber & Clay by Laura Amy Schlitz and it’s completely different from anything I’ve read and I’m really enjoying it! - Enjoying What I Read
I’m getting much better at stopping books that I’m not enjoying and although this may counteract my other goal of reading more widely, I don’t want to waste time on books that I’m not enjoying. It’s not easy to do, but stopping in the middle of the book gives me more time to read something I like. - Read More
Isn’t this every bookish goal? I feel like I’m finally back in a place where reading is fun and relaxing and I actually have the time to enjoy it. The pandemic really through my reading life into a tailspin and it’s taken me until late last fall to really get back to what I was used to. - Read Picture Books Throughout the Year
I absolutely adore picture books – they’re fun and deep, gorgeous, and bright. I always read a bunch before putting out my BIG reading list at the end of the year, but this year I’d love to read more and read them throughout the year instead of in just one big clump. - Read Books on My Bookshelf
I’m the worst! I’ll buy books and then completely ignore them on my shelf! It’s like they just make me feel better by being there. My goal this year is to read some of these somewhat forgotten titles and either decide to keep them or share them with others! - Read Titles Suggested By Friends and Family
This is another thing I don’t do well – actually reading suggestions by friends and family. My brother and I were talking books over the holiday and I’ve got a few books he suggested and my close friend just suggested a bunch of titles that she’s been reading. Now, to actually read them! - Try Reading with My Ears
I don’t often spend time reading audiobooks. I’ll listen to podcasts fairly often, but audiobooks just seem too daunting with their length. I think part of the problem is that I have a really, really short commute, so I don’t have time to read them on the way to work. I’m also a very fast reader and listening seems to take a lot more time. Plus, I think I’ve come to realize, I’m not a huge fan of the way headphones feel in/on my ears. But, I’d like to try some new audiobooks – maybe I’ll fall in love with a whole new way of reading.

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

I mentioned food in my post, too. That cookbook sounds super helpful.
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-goals-for-2023/
I shared a lot of your concerns about audiobooks, but once I got started I was surprised how much audiobooks have added to my reading! I bought nice headphones that rest on my ears because I hate earbuds, and spent some time figuring out what kinds of books work best for me on audio. You can increase the reading speed too — I listen at about 1.35x most of the time. Yes, it takes longer than physical reading but you can listen when you’re doing laundry or cooking so it’s time you wouldn’t have been reading anyway.
The Book Lover’s Cookbook sounds fantastic as I’m a cookbook addict. Writing about book inspired cookbooks would be a great topic for a post. Good luck with all your goals.
The 5 goal is so important, and try recipes from the cookbook sounds so fun. lovely goals
Good luck on your 2023 goals.
Wendy Williams
I have keep better records as one of my goals too! I love that you want to try some recipes from the Book Lover’s Cookbook! Best of luck to you on your goals!
Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)
I use Goodreads religiously and it really helps me keep track of what I’ve read. Otherwise, I would NEVER remember! I also like setting a reading goal on there every year. Sometimes I achieve it, sometimes I don’t, but I enjoy trying, you know? Good luck with all your goals!
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
Jessica @ Storytime in the Stacks
Oooh, what an amazing cookbook! I’m going to have to check that out. I did not become much of an audiobook reader myself until I took my latest library job, which involves lots of driving around. Now I’m addicted! I find myself listening most often at home while doing chores, it’s a great way to take my mind off laundry. Good luck with your goals this year!
I got the Book Lovers Cookbook as a gift a few years ago! I don’t think I ever made anything from it though, so maybe this is the year I also explore the book and we can give each other recommendations on the best ones