Top Ten Tuesday: Hilarious Book Titles
There are some absolutely hilarious picture books out there! Today, I’m sharing just a few titles that make me giggle when I see them at work. If you’re looking for something that is sure to elicit some giggles from your little ones, definitely check out these fun titles!
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Hilarious Book Titles
Bob, Not Bob! (*to be read as though you have the worst cold ever)
by Liz Garton Scanlon & Audrey Vernick, illustrated by Matthew Cordell
Little Louie is stuck in bed with a bad cold. His nose is clogged, his ears are crackling, and his brain feels full. All he wants is his mom to take care of him, but whenever he calls out for her, his stuffed-up nose makes it sound like he’s summoning slobbery dog Bob instead! This silly but sweet picture book will make kids laugh out loud as Louie tries to make himself understood. They won’t be able to help joining Louie in crying out, “Bob, not Bob!”
Chicken Cheeks
by Michael Ian Black, illustrated by Kevin Hawkes
Some bears will go to any length to get some honey. This one recruits every animal that comes along to form, well, a stack. The result? Tail of the duck to the gluteus maximus of the duck-billed platypus (with many other rears in between). Readers will giggle with delight at the bird’s eye view of some hysterical animal bottoms. Follow this back-sided journey up the tree – where the real surprise awaits. The pairing of Black’s minimal text with Hawkes’s visual story line will keep you chuckling from the bottom up.
The Chupacabra Ate the Candelabra
by Marc Tyler Nobleman, illustrated by Ana Aranda
With its hilarious dialogue, trio of bumbling goats, and fantastically zany villain, this unique, laugh-out-loud story based on a legendary monster is sure to crack up kids and grown-ups alike.
Like most goats, Jayna, Bumsie, and Pep’s greatest fear is being eaten for dinner by the legendary chupacabra—it’s common knowledge that goats are a chupacabra’s favorite food! One night, tired of living in fear, the impetuous goats whip out their trusty candelabra and head off to find the beast and scare it away before it can find them. Little do they know that candelabras are the chupacabra’s third-favorite food . . . and he isn’t about to stop there. This chupacabra has quite the appetite, and the goats are in for a big surprise!
Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners
by Laurie Keller
Mr. Rabbit’s new neighbors are Otters.
But he doesn’t know anything about otters. Will they get along? Will they be friends?
Just treat otters the same way you’d like them to treat you, advises Mr. Owl.
I Am Not a Penguin: A Pangolin’s Lament
by Liz Wong
Poor pangolin–he’s trying to explain who he is, but all the other animals keep getting confused.
You have scales–like a snake? A long tongue–like a frog? A strong scent–like a skunk? You can roll in a ball–like an armadillo? And a name that sounds a lot like…penguin? We love penguins!
“No, no, no! I am not a penguin! There are no penguins here!”
But then, just when it couldn’t get worse, a penguin arrives!!
What’s a poor pangolin got to do to be understood?!
I’d Really Like to Eat a Child
by Sylviane Donnio
A scrawny little crocodile wants the opportunity to bite off more than he can chew. He’s tired of bananas; today he’d like to eat a child. But he’s smaller than he thinks, and the little girl he chooses for his first meal puts him in his place—she picks him up and tickles his tummy! The little crocodile is going to have to eat a lot of bananas and grow a lot bigger before he can add children to his menu! Simple yet hilarious artwork brings this droll story to life.
I Will Chomp You!
by Jory John, illustrated by Bob Shea
STOP RIGHT THERE. Don’t move a muscle, buster. Stay out of this book or I WILL CHOMP YOU!
So says the not-so-fierce inhabitant of I Will Chomp You!, a tale of deception, greed . . . and cake!
In their funny read-aloud, Jory John and Bob Shea bring a fresh twist to a time-tested blueprint as their little monster threatens, reasons, and pleads with readers to go no further in the book because he will NOT share his beautiful, delicious cakes. Children will identify with the monster’s high valuation of his possessions, and (importantly) will laugh at the silly measures he takes to protect them.
P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever
by Raj Haldar and Chris Carpenter, illustrated by Maria Beddia
Let’s get real—the English language is bizarre. A might be for apple, but it’s also for aisle and aeons. Why does the word “gnat” start with a G but the word “knot” doesn’t start with an N? It doesn’t always make sense, but don’t let these rule-breaking silent letters defeat you!
This Book Just Ate My Dog!
by Richard Byrne
When her dog disappears into the gutter of the book, Bella calls for help. But when the helpers disappear too, Bella realizes it will take more than a tug on the leash to put things right. Cleverly using the physicality of the book, This book just ate my dog! is inventive, ingenious, and just pure kid-friendly fun!
We Don’t Eat Our Classmates
by Ryan T. Higgins
It’s the first day of school for Penelope Rex, and she can’t wait to meet her classmates. But it’s hard to make human friends when they’re so darn delicious! That is, until Penelope gets a taste of her own medicine and finds she may not be at the top of the food chain after all. . . . Readers will gobble up this hilarious new story from award-winning author-illustrator Ryan T. Higgins.
If you’re interested in purchasing any of the titles above from my list of Hilarious Book Titles, please use my affiliate links for Amazon or Bookshop. When you purchase from the links above, I will earn a commission as an affiliate.

The Artsy Reader Girl currently hosts Top Ten Tuesday, an original feature created by The Broke and the Bookish.

One Comment
Bob, Not Bob sounds great!
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-hilarious-book-titles/