Slice of Life Day 13: One Year
One year ago, I was told we were closing the library for two weeks to self-quarantine. Never in a million years would I have guessed where we’d be now. It’s been one heck of a year. But, I’m going to share a positive rather than harp on all the negative things that have happened.

Every Wednesday and Friday nights I Zoom with my family. Also, since when did Zoom become a verb? Probably about a year ago! On Wednesdays, we chat with my mom’s side of the family – three time zones, sometimes up to six states, and filled with aunts, uncles, cousins, and cousin’s kids. It’s fun getting to know my extended family more. We all grew up spread pretty far apart so we don’t get to see each other a lot. I’ve sang the “Happy Birthday” song A LOT! Wednesdays don’t tend to last too long, usually a quick 40-minutes, but anyone who can pop on tries to stop and say hi.
On Fridays, we Zoom with my Dad’s side of the family. We’ve almost at our 1-year anniversary of Zooming together. Across three time zones, eight or more households, and a whole lot of fun. These Zooms can last upwards of three hours sometimes – it just depends on what’s going on in everyone’s world. It’s been a great way to check-in with everyone as this pandemic has really affected everyone in different ways. We tend to do a lot of reminiscing of past vacations, silly traditions, and stories that we’ve all heard a million times before that are re-hashed again for entertainment.
So, even though I’ve been social distancing, self-quarantined for months, and still being careful about leaving the house, I’ve actually seen my family more this past year than I have ever before and for that, I am grateful.
This is my third year participating in the Slice of Life Challenge. I’ll be sharing brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. I hope you enjoy just a slice of my life as a librarian, book lover, and blogger!

This is wonderful. I love how so many have decided to, if not look for, at least point out the silver linings found to this year when they are noticed. Very cool family you have there! Great slice!
I love that you are focusing on the good things. I too wrote a similar reflection and focused on the happy things that came out of the crazy year.