Top Ten Tuesday: Resolutions for 2021
So, I actually posted all about my 2021 goals/resolutions a couple of weeks ago! Like so many people, I was on the struggle bus in 2020. There were times I wasn’t sure if I could handle one more thing between work and my personal life. It felt like I was treading water as hard as I could and just when I felt like I could take a breath, something else would try to pull me under.
Although 2021 isn’t starting off so hot in a broader sense, I’m really trying to work on these goals. And yeah, it’s only been 11 days, but I’m really proud of myself for putting forth the effort. Like many people, I start off strong but tend to slip away from my goals as the year progresses. My plan is to check-in with these goals every month to see where I am and where I want to go. I might even try writing a blog post at the end of each month as a recap.
Make healthy choices
My meal planning last week was on point! The meals we had were so tasty and pretty healthy too! You can check out all the delicious recipes on this post. I feel so much better when I’m able to plan out our dinners and include some vegetarian options throughout the week. I’ve got another list of meals planned for this week and we’re already two for two, so we’re doing great!
I’m also 12 days into my 30 day yoga challenge. I don’t really ever enjoy exercise or working out. I do it because I know it’s good for me, but I don’t love it. Although I am sore way more than I thought I would be, I’m really enjoying taking the time for myself. I find the way Adriene teaches yoga is really beneficial for me – she reminds me to breathe, engage, and stretch at just the right time. Plus, the theme this month is breath and that aspect has always alluded me during my yoga practice in the past. I’m still not great, but I’m practicing.
Find a better work-life balance
I’d say I’m doing so-so on this one. I actually left the library every day last week to go home for lunch. This is huge, considering last year, I can’t remember when I took an entire hour for my lunch break. I have also found that if I try to eat while I’m at work, then people constantly find me and interrupt me to ask me about whatever they need. In order to truly take a break, I have to get out of the library. Thankfully, I live really close to the library, so I can pop home for a quick meal with my partner (he works from home) and then head back to work.
Unfortunately, I had to stay late a few nights last week to train some of my staff on a few different aspects of the job. And, I also worked all day Saturday and forgot to schedule myself for a day off. All that time definitely added up!
But, on the other hand, I’ve found a couple of hours here and there this week that I’m going to take off. Work-life balance during a pandemic is not easy. It’s especially difficult with the limited staff and amount of work we have to do.
Take time to be creative
This is one that is so difficult for me. I need to be fully rested and not too stressed to allow my mind to be creative. Between the pandemic and politics, I’m still stressed. But, my goal is to just do a little at a time and see where it takes me.
Over the past week, I’ve definitely spent more time working on my blog posts and engaging with authors online. My goal was to spend a good portion of my Sunday working on posts for the upcoming week, but an unrelenting headache made me reconsider my plans.
I also want to try a few new ways to be creative. My mom gave me a macrame kit for Christmas which looks a little intimidating, but also really cool. I also want to try some embroidery too. There are some gorgeous kits on Etsy, so I might try it out!
Reading in 2021
Funny, none of this is reading related. I had a few months last year where reading was so very hard for me. And that is unusual. Usually reading is my escape and the more stressed I am, the more I need to read. Last year, I just didn’t have the energy. I’d come home from work and just sit in front of the TV.
I’ve been making sure I spend more time reading and it’s definitely helped my stress level. I just feel better if I’m reading regularly. I’ve already read seven middle grade novels and two picture books this year, so that’s pretty awesome!
I don’t tend to make goals as far as a set number of books. I’d rather not get too stressed about how much I read and rather read because it’s something I enjoy. That being said, I am participating in a Winter Reading Challenge that is both flexible and the perfect length!
What are your goals or resolutions this year? Do you make any specific reading resolutions?

The Artsy Reader Girl currently hosts Top Ten Tuesday, an original feature created by The Broke and the Bookish.

I love this whole list! Good for you for taking better care for your mental and physical health. It can be hard at times, but it’s so worth it. I’ve been doing a lot of yoga this year, too.
My post.
Laura Arnhold
Thanks, Lydia! I’m surprised how much I love yoga, but it’s awesome!
Love all your goals — especially the be more creative one. That’s a great reminder for me!
Sarah at smallworldreads.blogspot.com
Laura Arnhold
Thanks, Sarah!
Sammie @ The Bookwyrm's Den
Oh gosh, the better work/life balance one hit me hard. I can relate to ALL of it! It’s also something I need to work on this year. I had to laugh about your lunch thing, because yes, that happens to me ALL THE TIME. I get a lot of messages on my days off, too, and I’ll take the time to sit and respond to them right then or do whatever they ask and things like that, even though I know I should just shoot a message back saying I received it and will work on it the next day I work. It’s a struggle. I’d love to be able to go home for lunch, but I live too far away, so when it’s warm, I usually just go for a walk or read a book outside haha. Best of luck with your 2021 goals!
Here’s my TTT post.
Laura Arnhold
Thanks, Sammie! It’s so hard not to respond to messages immediately. I’m realizing that I need to direct at least a little of my energy toward myself in order to better serve everyone else in my life!
It is so important to have a creative outlet to keep life in balance. Good luck with your goals! I hope you can stop by: