Top Ten Tuesday: Settings I’d Like to See More Of
I love when the setting because almost like a character in a book I’m reading. If authors can make me feel like I’m in the book and can picture where the characters live their life – that’s the perfect setting to me!
Some of these are generalized locations or while others on my list are great places I’ve been to and a few are places I’d love to visit someday!

- Country Life
- My parents moved out to the country after we had all left the house. They live on beautiful acreage and it’s so peaceful when I visit.
- Island Life
- I love the idea of living on an island – the sandy beaches, the sunsets, the beauty that you’d be surrounded by every day. Seeing characters living in this life would be so great.
- Small Town Life
- I grew up in a small town – we could walk or ride our bikes to pretty much anywhere, the movie theater, the library, school, etc. Small town life includes the eccentric neighbor, nosy shop owner – everything you need for a perfect setting.
- Tiny House
- The idea of tiny house living fascinates me – I’d love to try it for a few weeks or see a character live in a tiny house on wheels traveling around the country.
- Appalachian Trail
- I live very close to a part of the Appalachian Trail and I know people hike the whole thing from Georgia to Maine. What an interesting fascinating location for a character to be in!
- Charleston
- I got the chance to visit Charleston for a long weekend with some friends and just completely fell in love with its deep history, oceanfront access and I’d love to see a book set in this beautiful city.
- Chicago
- I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Chicago. I was born in Chicago, by my parents moved before I was 2, so I don’t have any memories of this great city.
- Ireland
- My brother’s been to Ireland twice and absolutely loved it. I’d love to see the foggy cliffs of Ireland with beautiful green grass.
- Okefenokee Swamp
- I’ve read a few books set in the Okefenokee Swamp and this setting just fascinates me and I’d love to see more books in this area.
- San Francisco
- I haven’t been to San Francisco yet, but it’s a city that fascinates me – being on the bay, with the fog and hills. So until I can get to San Francisco, I’ll have to read about it in books!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl.

Great choices! I would love to see more books set in Chicago, too.