Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I'd Love to Meet
I’ve been so lucky to meet some of my favorite authors already (conferences, BEA, festivals, etc.) But I wanted to create a list of authors that I haven’t yet met that I’d really love to meet in person!

- Anna McQuinn – Her Lola & Leo series is one of my favorite read alouds for toddler storytime not only because they’re all adorable, but it “about diveristy” without being “about diversity” – a family going about their day-to-day life who also happen to be Black. Love the series, would love to meet this Irish author!
- Salina Yoon – Have you ever seen a cuter penguin in your entire life?!?!?! These adorable stories of friendship just make me want to give their creator a great big hug!
- Kate DiCamillo – Everything this woman writes is pure genius and I would love to talk with her about where she finds her ideas (especially the names of her characters) and really just sit down and chat with her on the front porch (because I feel like she’d be the type of person who would love that!)
- Natalie Lloyd – Because an author who can stop a very quick reader in her tracks and pause because the words are so beautiful to read, that’s a person I have to meet!
- R.J. Palacio – I loved Wonder and appreciate the diversity in this story so much. I grew up helping my parents at programs for people with disabilities and learned at a very young age that a disability/deformity doesn’t necessarily stop you, you just have to be a little more creative. I love that so many kids have read this book and love it as much as I do!
- Katherine Applegate – Another prolific author, although I didn’t read the Animorphs series, I really enjoyed Home of the Brave, The One and Only Ivan and Crenshaw. I really appreciate authors who aren’t afraid to tackle the “tough” stuff for kids!
- Ann M. Martin – An author who I read growing up (almost all the Babysitter Club books) to the books she continues to write that touch my heart – she would be someone I would LOVE to get a chance to talk with!
- Nicola Yoon – I got The Sun Is Also a Star as a Christmas gift and it was one of those stories that sucked me up right away and I didn’t want to leave, so now I’ve got to find time to read Everything, Everything and if it’s as great as The Sun then I feel like we need to hang out and talk!
- E. Lockhart – A book that completely blindsides me is an amazing experience and that’s what I got when I read We Were Liars – to learn about how Lockhart came up with that idea would be so cool!
- Heidi Heilig – A newer book I got a chance to read – I loved the concept of time travel with a pirate ship and the possibility of alternate dimensions through stories – it was awesome! Definitely an author I’d love to meet!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Book