Summer Camp Outreach – Week #2
This week as I traveled back to camp, I brought with me a few favorite books and some really fun activities to try. For the little ones (ages 5 & 6), I read The Book With No Pictures by B. J. Novak. If you haven’t used this book yet, please, please, please use it! A few of the kids had seen the book before, but that didn’t stop them from enjoying it! My group of kids were so excited about the book that I had to read it twice in a row! And still, some wanted me to read it again!
Afterward, we created our own Post-It Note birds that I found on Krokotak. I used our Ellison die-cut machine to cut out small circles (about 4 inches in diameter) and allowed each child to use up to 7 Post-It Notes for their bird. I found the Post-It Notes on Amazon (the small, page markers). We also attached legs (toothpicks) using a piece of tape and a little modeling clay.
For the older kids (ages 7 & 8), I read from the beginning of Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman. I love this story – it’s so far-fetched and a great laugh out loud type of book. The kids were completely quiet while I was reading and a few asked if I could keep reading when we finished. For their activity, we made marble magnets using flat marbles I found at Michael’s as well as scrapbook paper, magnets, and some Modge Podge. Overall, the kids really enjoyed both programs and had a lot of fun!