Mock Caldecott 2015

I’m working on trying to get some programming planned before Thanksgiving rolls around next week, so I’m scrambling to come up with some great ideas that are easy to plan and implement. We have one more Fun Friday program before the end of the semester and as it’s on Friday, December 12th, I can only imagine the kids will be getting a little stir-crazy for the holiday. So, my plan is to do my own version of a Mock Caldecott Award. We have anywhere between 15 – 25 kids attend this 45-minute program, which I think will be just about perfect.
First, I pulled some of the previous Caldecott winners as a way to introduce the topic. Kids are often familiar with the Caldecott award, but are a little confused as to what it is for. We also took a look at some of the basic criteria required to win the Caldecott, before we set off to review books.
I collected about 40 books that have been published in 2014 for us to review. This is a perfect program for this age group (grades 1 – 4) because they don’t necessarily have to be able to read well to do the program. I’m going to put everyone into a circle and pass the books around the circle in a 30 – 60 second time span. This way everyone should be able to get a chance to see most of the books and choose one they think should win their award.
I’ve also created our own certificates for the kids to write the title and illustrator on, and then decorate.
The list of books we’ll be looking at includes:
- A Dance Like Starlight
- The Adventures of Beekle
- Baby Bear
- The Baby Tree
- Bad Bye, Good Bye
- Brimsby’s Hats
- Draw
- Emily’s Blue Period
- Eye to Eye
- The Farmer and the Clown
- Firefly July
- Flashlight
- Flora and the Penguin
- Grandfather Ghandi
- Gravity
- Haiti, My Country
- Harlem Hellfighters
- Have You Heard the Nesting Bird?
- Here is the Baby
- Hi, Koo!
- Hug Machine
- Kid Sheriff and the Terrible Toads
- Maple
- My Teacher is a Monster!
- Nana in the City
- Okay, Andy!
- The Pilot and the Little Prince
- The Promise
- Quest
- Remy and Lulu
- Sam & Dave Dig a Hole
- The Scraps Book
- Shackleton’s Journey
- Sparky!
- Telephone
- Three Bears in a Boat
- Time for Bed, Fred
- The Troublemaker
- Viva Frida
- Where’s Mommy?
I, personally, haven’t had the chance to view all of these books, so a couple might be pulled before the kids see them if a few of the informational texts are more mature. I think this will be a fun project for the kids and is very simple to implement as well!
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Fun, I love this idea!