
Getting Ready

We’re in full swing to get everything ready for the 6th Annual Enchanted Library tomorrow night!  The kids will be in for their second dress rehearsal tonight, food is coming in from gracious library staff members, the shadowy figures are ready to lurk behind bookshelves and around corners, and our twinkle lights are going up around the library.  Currently, staff is making reminder phone calls to the 365 community members attending the program tomorrow evening and we’re double checking everything to make sure are t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted.
The great thing about a program like this is even though the theme changes from year to year and the kids get older and new kids begin acting with us, I’ve finally got much of the “getting ready stuff” down to a science.  I know what needs to happen when and can actually enjoy these last few days before we host the largest program the library offers all year.
Our middle school students have been practicing since early September – they know their lines, look great in their costumes, and have the buzz of nervous excitement that you feel before the big show.  Tonight the veterans will share tips and tricks to make everything work – hopefully making the younger, new faces relax just a little.  I’m going to try a few yoga poses this evening with them, as a different way to relax breathe.  My thoughts – if I can get a room full of toddlers and preschoolers to relax and have fun with yoga, I should be able to do the same thing with middle school students.
Look for pictures and my reflections about Enchanted Library 6.0 on Saturday!

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