
Story Time Theme: Fruits & Veggies

rahrahradishes_4k2tw41nraiokgo844wkc0kw0_5u96ah3skeo8g8c8k4ck8owgo_thI just found this blog post that somehow got lost in the shuffle!  So even though this is from a few months ago, I’m going to post it so everyone can see the books I used.


Although I had a small crowd (only 7!), we had a great time in story time this morning talking about fruits and veggies.  I’m not sure how truthful the kids were being, but they loved telling me all the fruits & veggies they love to eat at home.  I love Rah, Rah, Radishes because of the realistic photographs that are used in the story and for all the different types of veggies that are acknowledged.  Lunch is a fun (and very quick) story about a little mouse who is VERY hungry and eats a lot of fruits and veggies for lunch.  And our last story, Chew, Chew, Gulp! talked about more than just fruits and veggies, but the kids had a lot of fun telling me all the types of food they eat.  And I’m pretty sure they were ready for lunch right after story time!

Parent Info: Use books like Rah, Rah, Radishes! about vegetables and then have your child help pick out veggies at the supermarket!  It’s a great way to connect literature and real-world experiences together.


  • Traditional: Put Your Hands Up In the Air & Open Shut Them
  • Parachute: “Oh Hey Oh Hi Hello” (Jim Gill, Make It Noisy in Boise, Idaho)  

Book 1: Rah, Rah, Radishes!: A Vegetable Chant by, April Pulley Sayre


  • Traditional (fine motor): “5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed”
  • Parachute (popcorn): “Milch” (Putumayou Kids Presents: Picnic Playground: Musical Treats from Around the World)

Book 2: Lunch by, Denise Fleming

Transition (changes weekly)

  • Traditional (gross motor): “Apples & Bananas” (Five Little Monkeys: Songs for Singing and Playing) with shaker eggs
  • Parachute:  “Apples & Bananas” (Five Little Monkeys: Songs for Singing and Playing)

Book 3: Chew, Chew, Gulp! By, Lauren Thompson


  • Traditional: “Shake Your Sillies Out” Puppet Show
  • Parachute: “Freeze!!” (Shakin’ the Chute: Fitness with a Parachute by Michael Plunkett)

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