• Activities

    Yoga Storytime – Summer Week #6

    My last yoga storytime of the summer went very well!  We had a small group in both classes, but the kids had so much fun with the “search and find” theme!  They really seemed to like Looking for Moose and couldn’t wait to find chameleon in Hide and Seek.  Our last book,…

  • Activities

    Yoga Storytime – Summer Week #5

    The kids didn’t really get The Day the Crayons Quit but they still had fun yelling out the colors and the drawings on each page.  This book is very much geared toward an older (elementary school age) audience.  They really had a lot of fun with Foxy and kept giggling when…

  • Activities

    Yoga Storytime – Summer Week #4

    I didn’t see as many kids in my storytime yesterday as I normally do.  I’m wondering if it’s a popular week for vacation.  Otherwise, the kids seemed to enjoy the books this week – we talked a lot about different types of animals and I was able to introduce parents/caregivers…

  • Activities

    Yoga Storytime – Summer Week #3

    Storytime was a lot of fun today!  The kids in my first group were excellent at paying attention to directions, listening to the stories and interacting.  It was a great way to come back from a long weekend.  My second group was smaller, but the kids enjoyed it just as…

  • Activities

    Yoga Storytime – Week #2

    The kids really loved our books this week!  We had such a fun time reading and interacting.  There has been such a positive response, that we actually opened a second class, so now I have two yoga classes back-to-back which can be a little hectic, but our patrons were very…

  • Activities

    Yoga Storytime – Summer Week #1

    My storytimes for the summer officially started yesterday and we have so many people on our waiting list, I’ll be doing my Yoga Storytime back-to-back.  The room we use for our program isn’t very large, so we decided to smaller classes would be the best way to handle the class.…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme: Red

    Today was our last storytime of the session and although I absolutely love storytime, this session has been rough!  I don’t know what it was – the kids, adults, some combination of the two, but it seemed out of control each and every week.  We’re changing the schedule a little…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Orange


    I don’t know what’s been going on, but my story times have been absolutely crazy all season long!  Last week, I had eight kids – it was absolutely nuts!  This week, I probably had close to 20 kids, and even crazier.  I think the biggest issue in this session is…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme: Yellow

    We are continuing our color-themed story times this week with the color yellow!  With only eight kids in attendance, I thought we’d be able to whiz through a lot of things, but the kids were very squirmy!  Even so, I was able finally to use the nursery rhyme cube, but…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme: Blue

    Following in last week’s footsteps, this week’s theme is the color BLUE!  Although I had a much smaller crowd this week, we had a great time learning about the color blue.  I still haven’t gotten a chance to use my nursery rhyme cube, but we were able to get through…