• Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Words

    Top Ten Tuesday

    I love all sorts of words and phrases. I don’t think that’s surprising that I might have favorite words as a big reader! Typically, my partner laughs at a lot of what I say because he thinks it sounds “old fashioned.” I don’t often use swear words, so I have…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: Wordy Birdy

    Summary:  “Wordy Birdy LOVES to talk. “Hello, sunrise. Hello, pink sky. Hello, orange sky. . . .” But does she love to listen? NOPE. One day, while she’s walking through the forest, her gift of the gab gets her into hot water: “That’s a pretty tree and that’s a pretty tree and…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: Lexie the Word Wrangler

    Summary:  “Lexie is the best wrangler west of the Mississippi, word wrangler, that is. She watches over baby letters while they grow into words and ties shorter words together into longer ones; she herds words into sentences, hitches sentences together, and pens them all in to tell a story. But lately,…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: The Great Dictionary Caper

    Summary:  “When all of the words escape from the dictionary, it’s up to Noah Webster to restore alphabetical order in this supremely wacky picture book that celebrates language. Words have secret lives. On a quiet afternoon the words escape the dictionary (much to the consternation of Mr. Noah Webster) and flock…

  • Reviews

    Picture Book Month: Reading and Writing

    What better book to explore when taking about reading and writing than a picture book biography about the man who created the thesaurus that we know and love today. Roget liked words and he liked writing lists, so he combined these two loves and published his first book of word…