Storytime Theme: Big Machines
Things that go is a perennial favorite when it comes to storytime themes. So, make sure you’ve done a car theme, a train theme, a truck theme, a construction theme, and why not try a big machines theme that is very similar to a construction theme but could also include…
Storytime Theme: Soup
As I type this up, the snow is falling and I’ve already been outside once to clear the driveway, sidewalks, and car. With a few more inches expected before bedtime, I thought today would be the perfect day to make a stew that simmers all afternoon as the smells float…
Storytime Theme: Letter V
It’s Letter V day! Another tricky letter this week, the Letter V led me to picture books about vacuums, volcanoes, vultures, and more. Some of these letters are tricky to find words that preschoolers are going to recognize and that also show up in picture books. This is a letter…
Storytime Theme: Gardens (2023 update)
I know, gardening is typically a spring storytime theme, but there are so many great gardening books for kids, that I couldn’t resist doing a quick update for this lesson plan! I offered a few more nonfiction books than I usually do because they’re so cool! Especially the Smithsonian/DK Publishing…
#blogbookaday: Anywhere Farm
Summary: “For any anywhere farm, here’s all that you need: soil and sunshine, some water, a seed. You might think a farm means fields, tractors, and a barnyard full of animals. But you can plant a farm anywhere you like! A box or a bucket, a boot or a pan almost…
#blogbookaday: Escargot
Summary: “Bonjour! Escargot is a beautiful French snail who wants only two things: 1. To be your favorite animal. 2. To get to the delicious salad at the end of the book. But when he gets to the salad, he discovers that there’s a carrot in it. And Escargot hates carrots. But when he…
Blogging A to Z: Vegetables
During the month of April, I’ll be participating in the Blogging From A to Z Challenge. My theme for the month is Storytime Plans From A to Z. Each plan will have eight stories as well as four songs, fingerplays or rhymes to match the theme! As you can see,…
Blogging From A to Z: Gardens
During the month of April, I’ll be participating in the Blogging From A to Z Challenge. My theme for the month is Storytime Plans From A to Z. Each plan will have eight stories as well as four songs, fingerplays or rhymes to match the theme! As you can see,…
Story Time Theme: Fruits & Veggies
I just found this blog post that somehow got lost in the shuffle! So even though this is from a few months ago, I’m going to post it so everyone can see the books I used. ____________________________________________________ Although I had a small crowd (only 7!), we had a great time in…
Story Time Theme: Growing a Garden
I have been very remiss in posting for the past week, but I’m back and have a great new story time theme, plus a lot of program updates from the past week. This week we talked about growing a garden during story time and read some really fun and interactive…