• Lists

    9 Books to Celebrate National Underwear Day


    It’s National Underwear Day! As my partner said this morning, “What does that mean?” And honestly, I don’t know. But these 9 books to celebrate National Underwear Day are too fun not to share. These are great books for kids who love potty humor or those who are in the…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: Creepy Pair of Underwear!

    Summary:  “Jasper Rabbit is NOT a little bunny anymore. He’s not afraid of the dark, and he’s definitely not afraid of something as silly as underwear. But when the lights go out, suddenly his new big rabbit underwear glows in the dark. A ghoulish, greenish glow. If Jasper didn’t know any better…

  • Lists

    25 Titles about Underwear and the Bathroom

    As I’ve said in the past, I’m not going to get political on my blog, but as situations arise, I’m using my blog to process my own thoughts and feelings, so by the suggestion of my boyfriend – here’s a booklist about the bathroom (and some underwear books thrown in…

  • Lifestyle

    Red Cape + Underwear = Captain Underpants

    A red cape and underwear can only mean one thing – Captain Underpants! We hosted a Captain Underpants program last night and if the giggles were any indication, the kids had a blast!  We began the evening taking a few minutes to read aloud from Captain Underpants and the Big,…