• Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 2/28/25

    Director's Thoughts

    When I started as a director nine years, I felt strongly that we needed to have one day where most of the staff could come together to learn about the overall vision of the library, work on projects, and spend time together. It’s difficult to share information (I know, I’m…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 02/19/2020


    Staff training, two words that strike fear into the hearts of many an employee. But, that’s where I was yesterday, standing in front of staff leading my third-annual staff training. Background But first, a little background. I have a staff that ranges from 45-50 employees, ten of whom are full-time.…

  • Lifestyle

    PLA Recap

    It was an interesting PLA to say the least. It started with Philadelphia’s fourth nor’ easter in three weeks on Wednesday, which led to me watching the opening session with Sally Yates online from home as the library was closed and we ended up with at least eight inches of…

  • Lifestyle

    Sharing Picture Books with Preschool Teachers

    This week, I got the chance to speak in front of preschool teachers during an in-service day about children’s literature trends and share some great new titles that have been published in the past couple of years. The preschool reached out to the library looking for some sort of presentation…

  • Lifestyle

    Director's Thoughts #6

    While many people had a long weekend, ALL my staff was at work on Monday for a staff training day. We have, what I would consider a medium-sized library with almost 50 people on staff (most of whom are part-time or very part-time).  We haven’t had any sort of large…

  • Lifestyle

    Not Only Storytime, Early Literacy Training

    Today, I’m spending the day at a training to become an instructor to provide training for early childhood providers as well as parents. We’re focusing on the Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards for Infants – Kindergartens as well as the Pennsylvania Core Knowledge Competencies for Early Childhood & School-Age Professionals. These…

  • Lifestyle

    Storytime University

    If you’re a children’s librarian looking for some new ways to focus on professional development, look no further than Storytime University, brought to you by the fine librarians of Storytime Underground, a group focused on supporting, promoting, and training each other (as in storytime librarians).  Storytime is often not realized…