• Activities

    Toddler Storytime Theme: Animals

    Books: Animal Boogie by Debbie Harter Old Mikamba Had a Farm by Rachel Isadora Señor Pancho Had a Rancho by René Colato Laínez Fingerplays, Flannelboards, Rhymes & Songs: Song: “Put Your Hands Up In the Air” Fingerplay/Flannelboard: 5 Little Monkeys “No More Monkeys” by Asheba, Putumayo Kids Presents: Animal Playground Flannel Board/Movement Song:…

  • Activities

    Toddler Storytime Theme: Counting

    Today’s storytime is Toddler Storytime Theme: Counting! Because what small child doesn’t like to help with storytime by counting. Check out these great diverse counting books that expose kids to different languages, cultures, and races. Books: Can You Count Ten Toes? by Lezlie Evans (We counted in English on most of…

  • Activities

    Toddler Storytime

    Books: Bee-Bim Bop! by Linda Sue Park Henry Wants More! by Linda Ashman My Colors, My World by Maya Christina Gonzalez Fingerplays, Flannelboards, Rhymes & Songs: Song: “Put Your Hands Up In the Air” Fingerplay/Flannelboard: 5 Little Monkeys “No More Monkeys” by Asheba, Putumayo Kids Presents: Animal Playground Flannel Board/Movement…

  • Activities

    Flannel Friday: Fall Song

    oak leaves

    When Jbrary has a new favorite action song, I didn’t stop and pause, I just adapted it to fit what I needed most – a fall action/movement song for my storytime!  My kids have been HUGE fans of “Fruit Salad“, “Bubble Bubble Pop” and “Bananas Unite” and I can’t wait…

  • Activities

    Flannel Friday: Autumn Leaves

    Autumn Leaves(to the tune of: London Bridge) Autumn leaves are falling down, falling down, falling down. (arms up high like a tree then lower as song goes on )Autumn leaves are falling down, (lower your voice)Down to the ground, (squat down and continue with this finger play)1 little leaf, 2…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Picnic


    Picnics are a fun way to interact with nature! Or if nature won’t cooperate, an indoor picnic on the living room floor works just as well (and you won’t get any ants!) Check out this storytime theme: picnic for a great list of titles to share on your picnic blanket!…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Ice Cream

    ice cream

    Who doesn’t love ice cream? This is a perfect storytime to share during the hot summer months when nothing tastes better than cool, creamy ice cream! Enjoy! Check out my extensive list of storytime themes and fun books to share with PreK kids. Opening & Closing Opening: “Put Your Hands…

  • Activities

    Toddler Storytime Theme: Balloons

    This was probably the first week this summer that went really well in terms of storytime.  We cut our storytime schedule down during summer and I’ve had over 30 kids on average for toddler storytime.  I know that for some libraries this is all in a day’s work, but I was frazzled,…

  • Activities

    Toddler Storytime Theme: Spring Animals

    Opening: “Put Your Hands Up In the Air” Puppet Meet & Greet: Meet Woolly (monkey puppet) Early Literacy Tip: “Read at least three stories a day: it may be the same story three times.  Children need to hear a thousand stories before they can begin to learn to read.  Or…

  • Activities

    Yoga Storytime Theme: Frogs & Toads for the Kid Lit Blog Hop


    Frogs & Toads Storytime Sun Salutations: Mountain, Reach Up, Touch the Ground, Hands at Knees (flat back), Plank Pose, Cobra Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Walk toward Hands. (Repeat 3x) Early Literacy Tip: Rhyming books are awesome to share with kids, especially when they can start figuring out the rhymes themselves!…