• Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 3/19/25

    Director's Thoughts

    I try very hard to steer clear of politics on this blog, rather focusing my energy on providing children’s book choices for kids of all ages and reading levels. And today’s post wasn’t going to be political, until President Trump signed more executive orders on Friday night and did so…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 2/28/25

    Director's Thoughts

    When I started as a director nine years, I felt strongly that we needed to have one day where most of the staff could come together to learn about the overall vision of the library, work on projects, and spend time together. It’s difficult to share information (I know, I’m…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 7/11/19


    One of my favorite things to do as a librarian and a director is outreach. I love going out into the community and talking about the library, sharing what we can offer to the community. Yesterday, I got the chance to do a little bit of outreach in two very…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 2/20/19


    This week, I held my third staff training day. We close the library on President’s Day and I spend time training staff on customer service ideals, weeding practices and whatever else I need to discuss! Unfortunately, because much of my staff is part-time, I can’t ask them to spend a…