• Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 2/28/25

    Director's Thoughts

    When I started as a director nine years, I felt strongly that we needed to have one day where most of the staff could come together to learn about the overall vision of the library, work on projects, and spend time together. It’s difficult to share information (I know, I’m…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 5/17/2023


    When I sat down to write for today’s post, I honestly wasn’t sure what direction I was headed in. But then I thought about how I spend a lot of my time and realized that I spend a good portion of my work day in meetings. The bane of most…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 3/23/2023


    It’s all about staff training! And at a time when public libraries are actively under attack with book challenges, staff training has never been more important. Due to COVID, our usual staff training was put on the back burner. But I felt like this year, we were finally able to…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 1/23/2023


    My Director’s Thoughts posts are back! I just realized that I haven’t posted one of these since December of 2021. I’m not sure what I was doing last year, but I didn’t write a single post about being a library director. So, my goal for 2023 is to create a…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 12/15/2021


    It’s that time of year when there are sweet treats all over the library from staff and patrons alike! After a cookie baking marathon, I brought in cookies for my staff and my Board this week which was a lot of fun. And today, I’m handing out my end-of-the-year appreciation…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 11/4/2021


    Just as I felt the tiniest of weight lifted off my (very) tired shoulders, our budget has to be approved by our Township Board of Supervisors. My library is a department of our local government, unlike a nonprofit library. And honestly, until the past couple of years, the budget season…