Toddler Storytime Theme: Mittens
I had a really good storytime this week! It was a full house, but the kids were fairly well behaved and loved talking about mittens! Unfortunately, it’s raining and not snowing here… but, oh well! It was still fun to talk about! The kids love doing Once Upon a Snowman (probably because…
Toddler Storytime Theme: Snow
Storytime was interesting, to say the least! I have 25 kids registered with 6+ on the waitlist and ended up with at least 25-30 in storytime yesterday. Considering the number of children in the room, the program went fairly smoothly, although I had a few adults that kept talking while…
Family Storytime Theme: Snow
My storytime went really well this morning. We’re offering a family storytime on Friday mornings at 10:30am which is something we’ve never done before and it seems to be a BIG hit already! I think I scared the parents a little because most were very attentive and participative. Hopefully, it…
Top Ten Tuesday: Snow Books
Since we got over two feet of snow, that’s all that is on anyone’s mind! That being said, here are some of my favorite snow books to share in storytime. The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats Snow by Manya Stojic The Mitten by Jan Brett The Story of Snopw:…
Story Time Theme: Winter & Snow
I was able to get to work today!!! It probably snowed about 8 inches yesterday with more snow expected tomorrow and a Nor’easter expected to tear through our area on Sunday. I’m tired of the snow, but couldn’t help but have a snow themed story time for my kids in…
Red Sled
Red Sled by Lita Judge is a perfect story to share with a little one on a cold winter night. Using only onomatopoeia words, or words that are used to describe sounds, Judge can tell an entire story of what happens to a red sled while a child is sleeping. …
Parachute Story Time
So today marked a big occasion…. I tried parachute story time for the first time during my regular story time. Try to imagine 15 children that range in age between 2 and 3 1/2 years old, with a parachute, puppets, books, and music. I would like to think of it…