• Reviews

    Book Review: The Land of Forgotten Girls

    I’ve been in a bit of a book slump for the past few months. A lot of it has to do with a new position at work sucking up all my time and brain power. That being said, I actually physically and mentally feel different if I’m not reading enough…

  • Lists

    It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 12/5/16

    After posting every day for Picture Book Month, I now have to come up with my own content again! At least today is easy, check out the hashtag #IMWAYR on Twitter to see what others are reading this week! I always end up adding a bunch of books to my…

  • Reviews

    Book Review: Seven Wild Sisters

    Seven Wild Sisters: A Modern Fairy Tale by Charles De Lint is actually a companion novel to The Cats of Tanglewood Forest (which I never realized until after I read this one) and Seven Wild Sisters can easily stand on its own.  Reminiscent of a classic fairy tale story, Sarah…

  • Reviews

    Tracing Stars

     Tracing Stars is a coming of age story for a young girl in a small coastal town where being different makes you stand out.  Indie Lee Chickory is a fish freak – she’s knows everything there is to know about the fish that can be found in the ocean that borders town.  She…

  • Reviews

    The Penderwicks at Point Mouette

    Jeanne Birdsall has done it again, this time with the story, The Penderwicks at Point Mouette.  Birdsall captures the joy and heartache that comes with growing up.  Rosalind, the oldest Penderwick goes on vacation with a friend while the rest of the sisters go to Maine to visit Aunt Claire with their good…