• Lifestyle

    Summer Reading Workshop

    I’m spending the day at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia to learn how science and literacy can work together to create an amazing summer reading program. We’ve spent the morning doing some great experiments with balance and sound and all the ideas they have given us have included very basic…

  • Activities

    Fun Friday: Windblown


    Whoosh! This month’s Fun Friday was a wind theme (I’m sick of snow and winter!). We talk about wind, especially about how the wind is created and the kids had some great answers to my questions! Afterward, I gave them the Windblown activity paper and had them cut out the seven shapes…

  • Activities

    Fun Friday – Gardening


    My last Fun Friday program was a much smaller group of kids – I think partly because it’s a beautiful day outside and partly because the school year is winding down and families are so busy right now.  Nevertheless, we had a great time.  I read The Curious Garden by Peter…

  • Reviews

    Doctor Proctor’s Fart Powder

    If you’re looking for an absolutely silly and adventurous book especially for kids who like a little potty humor, then Doctor Proctor’s Fart Powder by Jo Nesbo is the perfect pick!  I’d like to just say that I felt a little funny reading this one at the gym, but it’s an easy read…