• Activities

    Storytime Theme: Yellow

    Yellow Storytime Theme

    It’s time for yellow to have it’s moment in the spotlight with this fun storytime all about yellow things like bananas, bees, buses, and more! If you’re just joining me, check out red and orange that were posted earlier and come back again for trip through all the rainbow colors…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Orange

    Orange Storytime header

    I’m updating some of my color-themed storytime lesson plans and today we’re talking all about the color orange! If you missed the red storytime, take a look! This is a bright, cheery storytime theme filled with great books about tigers, carrots, butterflies, pumpkins and more. Whether you always offer crafts…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Red

    Red Storytime Header

    Sometimes it can be exhausting having to think of a new and exciting theme for storyime and then having to find books and songs and even crafts or extension activities that fit the theme. If you’re not quite ready to go theme-less (and it is possible!), why not try opening…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Disability Pride Month

    Disability Pride Month Storytime header

    July is Disability Pride Month! So, going along with my goal to provide more diversity in my storytime themes available here on my blog, I’m sharing some great books that celebrate kids with disabilities because I think it’s so important. I’m going to preface this lesson plan and let you…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Pennsylvania One Book

    PA One Book Storytime header

    Today I’m sharing something that’s close to home for me (and for readers in Pennsylvania!), but I think it’s still accessible to anyone, so I wanted to share it out! The “Pennsylvania One Book initiative is a valuable program that highlights the importance of early literacy development in preschoolers and…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Rainforest

    Rainforest Storytime Header

    It’s time to travel to the rainforest and explore with this storytime lesson plan all about the animals and plants found in the rainforest! This is a great lesson plan to incorporate nonfiction titles into storytime, especially with books that have photographs to show kids what animals really look like!…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Exercise

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    While I wouldn’t necessarily say that kids need to “work out” I do think that encouraging kids to be active is a healthy choice! Kids lead very sedentary lives, especially when they reach school age, so encouraging healthy habits early is helpful. And kids can learn that exercise is a…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Juneteenth

    Juneteenth Storytime header

    Celebrate Juneteenth this year with a special storytime program with age appropriate books for preschoolers and early elementary school age kids. I don’t think storytime necessarily needs to end when kids start school and this is a perfect example of a storytime that would work really well with an older…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Father’s Day

    Celebrate Father’s Day with the special men in your life with this love-filled storytime theme! Dad’s get the spotlight with beautiful, silly, amazing read alouds. And what I love is that there are a few titles on this list that celebrate all sorts of dads and dad-like people in your…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Big Machines

    Big Machines storytime header

    Things that go is a perennial favorite when it comes to storytime themes. So, make sure you’ve done a car theme, a train theme, a truck theme, a construction theme, and why not try a big machines theme that is very similar to a construction theme but could also include…