Snow Birds
Synopsis: “Discover birds who survive winter against all odds in this poetic, gorgeously illustrated picture book Snowflakes whirling, snow-flocks swirling, streaks of white twirl through the night… You’ve heard of birds who migrate to warmer climates in the wintertime—but what about those who persevere through snowy weather and freezing temperatures? With…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 1/11/2021
What I Read I’m working on my third novel of the week. And considering the week we’ve had, I’d say I’m doing well! Beyond what’s happening nationally, I worked six days this week which always cuts into my reading time. Plus, Saturday night I was getting ready to take my…
Eyes that Kiss in the Corners
Synopsis: “A young Asian girl notices that her eyes look different from her peers’. They have big, round eyes and long lashes. She realizes that her eyes are like her mother’s, her grandmother’s, and her little sister’s. They have eyes that kiss in the corners and glow like warm tea,…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 1/4/2021
What I Read I’m on a reading roll! And with my goal to spend more time on myself this year, I’m happy to report that my reading life is going really well! This week I read A Thousand Questions by Saadia Faruqi, Tune It Out by Jamie Sumner, Stand Up,…
Shanté Keys and the New Year’s Peas
Synopsis: “Shanté Keys loves New Year’s Day! But while Grandma fixed chitlins, baked ham, greens, and cornbread, she forgot the black-eyed peas! Oh no—it’ll be bad luck without them! So Shanté sets out to borrow some from the neighbors. Does Miss Lee have peas? What about Mr. MacGhee, or Shanté’s…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 12/28/2020
What I Read I thought by not heading to my parents’ home for the holidays that I would have plenty of time to read…. not the case! I’m not sure where four days off of work went, but most of the time was not spent reading. I ended up reading…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 12/21/2020
What I Read Two more checked off my list this week! Amari and the Night Brothers is the debut book by B. B. Alston bing published in January and it is amazing! It’s full of magic and adventure, intrigue, plot twists, family and friendship. Keep your eyes out for this…
Middle School Bites
Synopsis: “Thanks to a series of unfortunate bites, eleven-year-old Tom is a triple threat: he’s a Vam-Wolf-Zom. And just in time for the first day of middle school. So much for his Invisible Tom Plan. He never thought to make a What If I Turn Into A Vampire Werewolf Zombie Plan. Maybe…
Loretta Little Looks Back
Synopsis: “Loretta, Roly, and Aggie B., members of the Little family, each present the vivid story of their young lives, spanning three generations. Their separate stories — beginning in a cotton field in 1927 and ending at the presidential election of 1968 — come together to create one unforgettable journey.…
The Puffin Plan
Synopsis: “Fifty years ago, a young ornithologist named Steve Kress fell in love with puffins. After learning that hunting had eradicated their colonies on small, rocky islands off the coast of Maine, he resolved to bring them back. So began a decades-long quest that involved collecting chicks in Canada, flying…