Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Was Super Excited to Get My Hands on But Still Haven’t Read
While I don’t necessarily have all of these books in my hands, per se, I do count the fact that they’ve all been added to my public library’s catalog and I am excited to read them all! All of these are middle school titles that have been published in 2024…
Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’d Love a New Book From
For today’s Top Ten Tuesday theme, I was excited to revisit some of my favorite middle grade authors. These are my automatic must-reads when anything new is published. And you may look at this list and think, that author just published a new title last year, and that may be…
Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Quotes
I’m going to caveat this post by saying these might not be my absolute favorite book quotes, but when I was searching for some new quotes to add to my blog, these are the ones that resonated with me the most! I hope you find one that speaks you to…
Top Ten Tuesday: May Flowers
Today, I’m switching things up a little bit and sharing contemporary romance covers that have flowers on them. I was inspired by Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams which I just finished last week. With a florist as a main character, I thought it was a perfect fit for May…
Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons You’ve DNF’d a Book
This was a little bit of a different theme, but I had a hard enough time thinking about the reasons why I Did Not Finish (DNF) a book. It doesn’t happen often as I know what I’ll like and I don’t often stray too far from those things. But, every…
Top Ten Tuesday: Unread Books on My Shelves I Want to Read
I tend to buy books I want to read, and then they sit on my shelves because, in my mind, they’ll always be there, but that new book I want to read that I checked out of the library is a top priority. And then I never really go back…
Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I’d Like to Go on Vacation With
This Top Ten Tuesday theme took a little of time to figure out what direction I wanted to go in. Sometimes these themes are difficult to pull books for because as a reader of children’s literature, it makes it a little different when the characters are kids and not adults.…
Top Ten Tuesday: Springtime Seeds
This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please read the full disclosure for more information. Springtime Seeds From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons With simple language and bright illustrations, non-fiction master Gail Gibbons introduces…
Top Ten Tuesday: April Showers
Today is a fitting Top Ten Tuesday theme for the beginning of April – April Showers! So today, I’m sharing ten books with raindrops on the cover. And what I love about this is that each cover is so different and I love that I get to share all of…
Top Ten Tuesday: Movie and TV Shows That Would Have Made Amazing Books
It’s Tuesday and that means there’s another Top Ten Tuesday topic to bring you. This week, I’m breaking down some movies I think would’ve made amazing books. Unsurprisingly, many movies I watch were already booked before they got turned into movies. But today, I’m going to share with you some…