Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Confessions
Today’s theme started out as a little daunting to me, but after I gave it a few minutes to percolate, I really enjoyed this writing prompt and came up with some really great bookish confessions. So, learn a little bit about my own bookish confessions and maybe share one of…
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Avoided Because of the Hype
Now, before anyone comes at me, really the main reason I haven’t read these books is that the waitlist is/was so long that I just never added my name! All the books listed below are from the current New York Times Best Sellers list and are all adult fiction and…
Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Fall 2024 To-Read List
Fall is officially here and while my schedule has gotten crazier than I had imagined it would this year, I have some hope that I’ll get to a few of these great middle grade books this season. I’m so excited to see books written by some big name in the…
Top Ten Tuesday: Great Books for Third Graders
I very rarely completely ignore a Top Ten Tuesday prompt, but I just couldn’t get enough brain power around this week’s theme – Characters that Authors Surprisingly Redeemed. So instead, I went in a completely different direction. I think the most difficult age group to find books for is that…
Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Provide a Much-Needed Escape
Work has been SO extremely stressful for me for the past few months. There’s a lot going on in a lot of different places, so I’ve been trying to read as much as possible! Here are some of my favorite adult novels (mostly romances) that I’ve enjoyed recently. And some…
Top Ten Tuesday: Romance Books Involving Food
Feeding people is my love language. I love to cook, I’ll bake, but I truly love to cook and love to spend time in my kitchen. I’m the type of person that (tries) to meal plan every week with well-loved recipes and new options that make both my partner and…
Top Ten Tuesday: Posts That Give You the Best Glimpse of Me
I’m sharing a little bit of everything today! From posts I love, to programs I’ve created, to facts about me. Each one of these posts gives you a little glimpse of who I am as a reader and a person. I’ve been blogging for 14 years and there is a…
Top Ten Tuesday: Great Families in Middle Grade
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday theme is a relationship freebie – friendship, romance, family, etc. And so, today I’m sharing all about great families that you’ll find in middle grade novels. Many of these stories have large immediate families which reminds me of growing up with my own family. I am…
Top Ten Tuesday: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
My first instinct with this post was to head straight to picture books, after all, transportation-themed picture books are some of the most popular books available. But, I decided to take this theme in a little bit of a different direction and focus on road trips in middle grade novels.…
Top Ten Tuesday: Middle Grade Series I Want to Read
Today’s theme: Favorite Book in a Series was just too overwhelming for me to consider! I’m also extremely horrible at finishing series. One of two things happens – I either get super frustrated by one of the books in a series because it just doesn’t feel as strong as the…