September Read Alouds
It’s time for another month’s read alouds to celebrate wacky, silly, important, and historical holidays! This list combines not only great fictional read alouds, but some nonfiction and biographies as well to teach kids about fun and interesting facts and people. I’m not taking all the credit, as the blog…
August Read Alouds
It’s time for another month’s read alouds to celebrate wacky, silly, important, and historical holidays! This list combines not only great fictional read alouds, but some nonfiction and biographies as well to teach kids about fun and interesting facts and people. I’m not taking all the credit, as the blog…
July Read Alouds
It’s time for another month’s read alouds to celebrate wacky, silly, important, and historical holidays! This list combines not only great fictional read alouds, but some nonfiction and biographies as well to teach kids about fun and interesting facts and people. I’m not taking all the credit, as the blog…
June Read Alouds
It’s time for another month’s read alouds to celebrate wacky, silly, important, and historical holidays! This list combines not only great fictional read alouds, but some nonfiction and biographies as well to teach kids about fun and interesting facts and people. I’m not taking all the credit, as the blog…
May Read Alouds
I’m a little behind this month, but I’ve been enjoying these monthly book lists so much and I finally got May’s list pulled together! This list combines not only great fictional read alouds, but some nonfiction and biographies as well to teach kids about fun and interesting facts and people.…
April Read Alouds
April starts on Monday and I’m getting this book list out with just a few days to spare! I’ve pulled together a list of daily holidays in April combined with a great read aloud picture book that fits the theme. You don’t have to read these in any specific order…
2024 Blogging A to Z: Theme Reveal
Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! Spring is just around the corner and I’ve already got daffodils blooming in my garden beds! Although I love seeing flowers everywhere, I also love April because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month! This will be my 9th year…
March Read Alouds
I’m getting this book list out just in the nick of time for the start of March! I’ve pulled together a list of daily holidays in March combined with a great read aloud picture book that fits the theme. You don’t have to read these in any specific order if…
February Read Alouds
January’s read alouds received a number of reviews and even a comment (which doesn’t happen often!), so I’m back with a list of February read alouds filled with 29 picture books to celebrate important, wacky, sentimental, and silly holidays every day of the month! I’m not taking all the credit,…
Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2024
There are so many great books being published this year, my list doesn’t even get past February, let alone May and June! I decided to focus on young adult and middle grade titles, searching for books that caught my eye. I also tried to grab a little bit of everything…