February Read Alouds
January’s read alouds received a number of reviews and even a comment (which doesn’t happen often!), so I’m back with a list of February read alouds filled with 29 picture books to celebrate important, wacky, sentimental, and silly holidays every day of the month! I’m not taking all the credit,…
January Read Alouds
I decided to try something new and create a giant list of read alouds for the month based on fun, silly, important, educational, and wacky holidays! I honestly have no idea who comes up with some of these things, but it’s a fun little factoid to share and it allows…
Top Ten Tuesday: Reading Goals I Still Want to Accomplish Before the End of the Year
Looking back at my reading goals that I set back in January, I haven’t been reaching many of these goals. But, I’m still really happy with where I am in my reading goal. I’ve been reading more than I have been in the past few years and I’m just enjoying…
Bit About Books Winter 2021 Reading Challenge
I’ve mentioned this winter reading challenge a couple of times over the past few days and I finally have time to talk more in-depth about it. I’m excited about a reading challenge that is both flexible and exciting! I’m also biased because I’m good friends with one of the creators,…
Bookroo’s Reader Profiles for the Whole Family
I am so excited to share Bookroo’s new adventure today – reader profiles for the whole family! Think Goodreads for kids, but WAY BETTER! Bookroo asked me to take a sneak peek into the system and let me tell you, I’ve become addicted. It’s so fun to set up your…
A New Kind of Challenge… Bookémon Badgeathon
So after two months of blogging challenges, I am blogged out! That’s not to say that I won’t be blogging all month long, but I’ve turned my attention to a cool, new reading challenge during the month of May – the Bookémon Badgeathon. Your goal in this challenge is to…
It’s Not Too Late to Sign Up for the 24in48 Readathon
I took a giant step in my reading life and decided to sign up for my first 24in48 Readathon where it will be my goal to read 24 hours during a 48 hour period. Seems crazy, right? Well, I’ve had my eye on this challenge for a while and I…
I just recently heard a podcast on Books Between about Classroom Book a Day with it’s creator, Jillian Heise. I love the idea of reading a book every day kids are in school and not only that, but reading picture books to middle grade students. Jillian was inspired by Donalyn…
Reading Challenges – What's Your Reading Resolution?
There are a number of ways to plan your reading for 2017. Some people just pick up what they want, when they want without a care in the world. Others including bloggers, teachers and librarians feel the need to not only keep up with new titles, but to also fill…
National Readthon Day
Today is National Readathon Day, the second annual event hosted by Penguin Random House and the American Library Association. I’m apparently not a very good blogger because I didn’t pay attention to this until this week and haven’t had time to check out the website with great ways to throw…