• Activities

    Storytime Theme: Mother’s Day

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    I know, I know, it’s only January, but over the next twelve months, I’m going to be sharing a lot of storytime posts about holidays and in order to make them useful to people, I want to make sure they’re available ahead of time! Celebrating holidays in storytime has been…

  • Activities

    Storytime Planning

    storytime planning header

    While the general public might think that planning storytime is just grabbing a few books off the shelf and tossing in a few songs, planning a storytime isn’t that easy! But, if you do it well, the rewards are completely worth it! You’ll have both the kids and caregivers completely…

  • Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Picture Book Love

    Here’s a list of picture books that focus on love – perfect for Valentine’s Day (or any day you want to spread some love)! Love by Matt de la Peña, illustrated by Loren Long That’s Me Loving You by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, illustrated by Teagan White Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes by Mem Fox, illustrated by Helen…

  • Lifestyle

    Raising Bookworms

    Brightly, is a resource to help parents and caregivers raise lifelong readers.  Although partnered with Penguin Random House, Brightly provides book recommendations from all publishers for children (and adults) of all ages.  Check out their Ages & Stages section to find booklists for certain age levels as well as popular…

  • Lifestyle

    Early Literacy Messages In Action

    As children’s librarians we all know how important early literacy is to children’s development, but how we portray the significance to the parents and ardians in our community is just as important.  Jbrary.com is placing this important message in the forefront of children’s librarians this week with a round up…

  • Lifestyle

    Parent/Teacher Resources

    As a Family Place Library, we are tasked with having an up-to-date parent resource section located near our play area where parents can browse for books while their children are playing and not have to wander off to the adult department to do so.  We were gracious enough to receive…

  • Activities

    Preschool Expo

    A preschool expo works really well in a community like mine that has a number of preschool and childcare options available for parents and caregivers.  This is the second time we’ve provided this program to area residents and it’s a big hit!  We partner with the Mom’s Club in our…

  • Lifestyle

    Kids & Family Reading Report ~ 4th Ed.

    The percent of children who have read an ebook has almost doubled since 2010 (25% vs. 46%).Scholastic published their Kids & Family Reading Report, 4th Edition today with results both expected and surprising.  Check out Scholastic’s website for the full report. A few highlights: The percent of children who have…

  • Reviews

    The Reading Promise

    I cannot say enough about the book The Reading Promise: My Father and the Books We Shared by Alice Ozma.  Let me start by giving you a little bit of the background, Alice Ozma was named for two very famous literary characters – Alice from Alice in Wonderland and Ozma…