• Activities

    Story Time Theme – Penguins Everywhere!

    I absolutely adore penguins – they’re cute, fun to watch and make a great story time theme!  I chose to use penguins and focus on letter knowledge, after my first story time this week, I realized my error.  The letter “p” can look similar to “b”, “d”, and “q”.  I…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme – Hugs & Kisses

    Being that Valentine’s Day is this week, I chose a “Hugs & Kisses” theme with some of my favorite stories about love.  I’ve already posted about a couple of these books this week, so to spare you, my story time plan is below.  I also gave the kids valentines this…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme – Eric Carle Celebration

    This has been such a great story time theme – Eric Carle is probably one of my favorite children’s author/illustrators of all time and until I can get to The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Massachusetts, this is as close as I can get.  I tried to…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme – Winter Wonderland

    This week’s story time theme was so fun!  I decided to do a Winter Wonderland story time theme this week because it’s January and so we actually had a little snow on Monday, but by today, it’s 60+ degrees outside, so c’est la vie – we went with it anyway.  I’ve…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme – Grandparents

    This was my last week of story times for the fall season and I decided it was high time we celebrated grandparents.  My grandparents live half-way across the country and I don’t get to see them as much as I would like. Plus they are getting older and as their…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme – Fruit

    Last week’s story time was fun and healthy!  We learned all about fruit!  From the jungle all the way to the supermarket and the kids really liked the stories.  The first two were a little long – they might be better for a preschool story time rather than the toddler…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme – Spots and Stripes

    This week’s story time theme was so fun!  We had a great time with spots and stripes, we began with an oldie, but goodie – Harry the Dirty Dog by, Gene Zion.  This is a perfect story to talk about spots because Harry changes from a white dog with black…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme – Orange

    This week’s story time theme is the color and the fruit – ORANGE!  I have found that color themes are really easy to do because you can find a bunch of stories that incorporate a certain color.  This fall I choses orange for the obivous reason that it works really…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme – Teddy Bears

    I am currently providing three different story times for my library – the first is what I call a toddler traditional story time for 2 – 3 1/2 year olds where we read stories, have fingerplays and dance to music, the second is a parachute story time for the same age…

  • Activities

    Parachute Story Time

    So today marked a big occasion…. I tried parachute story time for the first time during my regular story time.  Try to imagine 15 children that range in age between 2 and 3 1/2 years old, with a parachute, puppets, books, and music.  I would like to think of it…