Preschool Parachute Storytime – Week #1
This is my first opportunity to offer a storytime for preschoolers! And it’s definitely my first time offering a parachute storytime for this age group. I was excited because this age group allows me to do more with the parachute because they can follow more directions than the toddlers. And…
Story Time Theme: Langauge
This is the last week of our summer story time schedule! YAY!!! We’re crossing things off the summer schedule and I have to say that I’m pretty excited take a little break until the fall session starts. Overall, even though I had a huge crowd signed up for story time…
Story Time Theme: Playing
The answer is bubbles. I think that anyone who offers a storytime program should definitely be aware of the power of bubbles. Our focus this week was on the last of the five early literacy skills: play. I read three books all about play, but hands down our favorite was…
Story Time Theme: Writing
This week we chose to focus on Writing as an early literacy skill in story time. In both of my classes, the kids were bouncing off the walls and the stories didn’t go as well as I had hoped, but we definitely had fun dancing to Stop & Go by…
Story Time Theme: Reading
I really enjoy having a three-day weekend, I feel like I can get things accomplished at home, run errands, and still have time to relax and hang out with friends. Fireworks, a great cook-out, some pool time and a trip to Home Depot made for a great weekend (and I…
Story Time Theme: Singing
As I mentioned last week, I’m focusing on the five early literacy skills during my story times this session. I’m choosing one skill for each week, which is really allowing me to focus on the skill and educate the parents as well as fun with the toddlers. Last week we…
Story Time Theme: Talking
Today began our the first week of storytime for our summer session. As you can see from my notes below, I’m offering a traditional toddler storytime for ages 2 – 3 1/2 and a parachute storytime for the same age group. I decided to focus on the 5 early literacy…
Story Time Theme: Fruits & Veggies
I just found this blog post that somehow got lost in the shuffle! So even though this is from a few months ago, I’m going to post it so everyone can see the books I used. ____________________________________________________ Although I had a small crowd (only 7!), we had a great time in…
Story Time Theme: Nursery Rhymes
Nursery rhymes seem to have been left by the wayside for the next generation of children. Nursery rhymes have existed for centuries for a very specific reason – they are a great tool to help children learn early literacy skills. So with that in mind, I created a story time…
Story Time Theme – Tools
This week’s story time featured tools! And the kids really enjoyed it! I was looking for something that would be a little more boy oriented, but tools are just as important for girls to know too! And we had a great time learning about hammers, screwdrivers, chisels, and more. Old MacDonald Had a Workshop was a great…