• Activities

    Storytime Planning

    storytime planning header

    While the general public might think that planning storytime is just grabbing a few books off the shelf and tossing in a few songs, planning a storytime isn’t that easy! But, if you do it well, the rewards are completely worth it! You’ll have both the kids and caregivers completely…

  • Activities

    Parachute Storytime: Hats Off!

    I got a chance to do two parachute storytimes yesterday and it’s fun to see the kids who really love the parachute get a chance to release some energy with lots of movement. A few kids come in with much more trepidation, but most will stay and just observe. This…

  • Activities

    Parachute Storytime Theme: Interactive Books

    This was our last week of storytime for the fall!  And I had a pretty small group, which really worked with the books I had.  The kids loved Shark in the Park, especially when they got to yell, “SHARK!”  They, of course, loved Polar Bear’s Underwear as well.  Which is not surprising……

  • Activities

    Parachute Storytime Theme: Zoo Animals

    These are some of my favorite books!  And unfortunately, I had a very small crowd to share them, I only ended up with seven kids, and I think I’m picking books that are too advanced for them.  These books would probably work really well with preschool age kids, but my…

  • Activities

    Parachute Storytime Theme: Emotions

    I think overall, my books were a little too old for the group I had for parachute storytime.  But, they did enjoy telling David, “NO!” and were quick to tell me what all the characters were doing that was wrong and how to act correctly, so I took that as…

  • Activities

    Parachute Storytime Theme: Construction

    I had a great sized crowd for my parachute storytime on Monday. The kids were really attentive to the stories and pointed out little details that I hadn’t even noticed.  They definitely loved the construction theme and really enjoyed yelling out the colors in It’s an Orange Aardvark.  And as for…

  • Activities

    Parachute Storytime – Alligators and Crocodiles

    Storytime is back!  This session, I’ll have a parachute storytime for ages 2 – 5 as well as a toddler storytime for ages 2 – 3.5.  For my parachute storytime, we use the paracture at every transition between books as well as the opening and closing.  The kids do a…

  • Activities

    Preschool Parachute Storytime

    My preschool parachute storytime has 25 children registered with four on the waiting list and this is my third week in storytime… with only 5-8 kids.  I have no idea where everyone else is?!?!?!  The kids that did show up had a lot of fun with our construction themed storytime…

  • Activities

    Preschool Parachute Storytime – Week #2

    We focused a lot on opposites this week, unfortunately I only had six kids join me, so the adults in the room were kind enough to help shake the parachute.  Our first book was called Maria Had a Little Llama and I wanted to use something that was a little different…