• Activities

    Storytime Theme: Orange

    Orange Storytime header

    I’m updating some of my color-themed storytime lesson plans and today we’re talking all about the color orange! If you missed the red storytime, take a look! This is a bright, cheery storytime theme filled with great books about tigers, carrots, butterflies, pumpkins and more. Whether you always offer crafts…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Orange


    I don’t know what’s been going on, but my story times have been absolutely crazy all season long!  Last week, I had eight kids – it was absolutely nuts!  This week, I probably had close to 20 kids, and even crazier.  I think the biggest issue in this session is…

  • Activities

    Story Time Theme – Orange

    This week’s story time theme is the color and the fruit – ORANGE!  I have found that color themes are really easy to do because you can find a bunch of stories that incorporate a certain color.  This fall I choses orange for the obivous reason that it works really…