• Lists

    NYPL Best Books 2021


    As I mentioned when I released my gift guide last week, it’s that time of year when all the “Best of” lists are being published from organizations, libraries, blogs, and more! Today I saw the New York Public Library’s Best Books 2021 list is available. With suggestions for kids, teens,…

  • Reviews

    Better Nate Than Ever

    I found I was easily able to relate to Better Nate Than Ever by Tim Federle.  Nate is growing up outside of Pittsburgh and trying to survive middle school.  While his older brother is “perfect” at everything (i.e. sports), Nate prefers Broadway shows and singing, hoping one day to be a star! …

  • Lifestyle

    Best Books List

    I have to say the end of the year brings with it a lot of fun – especially in the form of Top 10 and Best Books Lists.  The New York Public Library has pulled together the top 100 books for reading and sharing this year.  What’s great about this…