• Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Humorous

    H: Humorous

    This book list is for the kid who loves to laugh or keeps you laughing with their comments and quips! Many kids love to read what are often referred to as “funny” books. But, finding funny books can be really difficult as everyone has their own opinion as to what…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Gamer

    G: Gamer

    A lot of kids identify as gamers – whether they love playing video games, tabletop games, or card games. Games are super popular right now. And a quick time, check out your local library to see if they circulate video games and board games! It’s a great way to preview…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Friendly

    F: Friendly

    Friendship is a tricky thing, especially in middle school as kids are trying to figure out who they are and how they fit into the world around them. If you’ve got a reader who is one of the best kids – a kid who can see others and relate to…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Enthusiastic

    E: Enthusiastic

    I think kids are inherently enthusiastic. They are full of passion for the causes they feel strongly about, for their goals in life, for the hobbies they pursue. They are enthusiastic about any number of things. Personally, I’ve always been enthusiastic about books. I’ve loved books since before I can…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Daredevil

    D: Daredevil

    I am by no means a daredevil, I’ve always been a cautious person – not a fan of roller coasters or haunted houses, it’s just not who I am. I’ve started rock climbing at a local gym a little over a year ago. And while I don’t necessarily see it…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Creative

    C: Creative

    Creativity comes in many forms, but for today’s book list, I wanted to focus on kids that were artistic. (We’re going to focus on music later this month) But art comes in many forms and I tried to share a lot of different types of creativity in this list from…

  • Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Indie & Self-Published Books

    Top Ten Tuesday

    This theme was a little tricky for me this week. I don’t tend to read a lot of self-published titles because I’m typically reading what I borrow from the library. But, I do read some independently published titles. Although again, not too many as they aren’t purchased as often at…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Brave

    Today’s adjective for the letter “B” is BRAVE. Bravery can come in many forms. You’ll find it in full fantasy novels as a character fights against evil, in everyday occurrences when a character speaks up for what is right, and in quiet moments when a character advocates for themselves. No…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Active

    2023 blogging a to z

    It’s officially day one of the 2023 Blogging A to Z Challenge! If you missed my theme reveal, make sure to go back and check it out! The official theme that I chose is “Books for Every Reader.” And for each letter of the alphabet, I’m selecting an adjective that…