Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons Why I Don’t Finish a Book
I may be becoming the person who never follows the exact prompt of Top Ten Tuesday! But, while today’s official prompt is “Books I Did Not Finish” I don’t like to be so negative on my blog and while I may not have liked some books, that doesn’t mean it…
2025 Blogging A to Z April Challenge: Theme Reveal
Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! Spring is almost h ere and I’ve got daffodils poking through my garden beds. Although I love seeing flowers everywhere, I also love April because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month! This will be my 10th year participating in…
Read Alikes for Stuart Gibbs Fans
We’ve got a lot of readers in my library who love Stuart Gibbs’s books, especially the Spy School series. Stuart Gibbs is know for creating fun, page-turning stories that are entertaining to read! They are great book to recommend to kids who may be a little reluctant or hesitant to…
Top Ten Tuesday: Characters That Have Stuck With Me
While today’s official prompt is “Things Characters Have Said”, I had to adapt it a bit since I am the worst reader when it comes to remembering many details. And if I had tried to find ten things characters have said the list would be extremely disjointed and would have…
Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set In Another Time
Historical fiction titles have been some of my favorite reads for most of my life. I started reading historical fiction with books like Little House on the Prairie and the American Girl series and now I love to read middle grade and YA titles that expand beyond some of the…
2024 CYBILS Award Winners
The Children’s and Young Adult Book Lovers’ Literary Awards are a little different from the awards you’ll often find on the ALA Youth Media Award Winners list. And that’s because these books are chosen by judges who are book lovers – typically bloggers and content creators that absolutely love children’s…
Parenting Book List: First Day of School
This is a series, I’ve been wanting to work on for years and I’ve finally been able to get my thoughts and book suggestions together, so over the course of the next few weeks, you’ll be seeing these Parenting Book Lists, filled with suggestions for common occurrences and situations that…
Wings of Fire Read Alikes
While I may not be the first person to pick up a book with a dragon on the cover. I’m always surprised by how much I like the fantastical aspects of the stories when I read them. The Wings of Fire series is one of our most popular book series…
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Was Excited to Read but Still Haven’t Gotten To
While today’s prompt is 2024 Releases I Was Excited to Read but Still Haven’t Gotten To, there are so many books I haven’t gotten to yet! So, I decided to create a list of ten middle grade titles that I really want to read and even have some of these…
Top Ten Tuesday: New-To-Me Authors in 2024
These new to me authors almost all wrote exclusively contemporary romance a genre that I’m enjoying post COVID as an escape from the real world where I know that even when there’s a kerfuffle, eveything is going to have a happy ending. Some of these are the first in a…