What I Do for My Library!
On any given day, you could see me dressed like a princess, dragging bags of books out to my car for outreach programs, covered in glitter, or filming a segment for our government access channel, that’s right FILMING! Oh, what I do for my library. I kept joking – you…
Library Card Signup Month
September is Library Card Signup Month and the Honorary Chair this year is none other than everyone’s favorite beagle, Snoopy! And if you’re looking for help promoting, check out ALA’s press kit filled with press releases, art work, statistics and more! What’s great is that ALA has created a library use…
I’m not sure how this resource remained hidden from me for so long! I literally just found out about it this week! Programming Librarian is an initiative of the American Library Association Public Programs Office and offers programming ideas for all different types of libraries, ages of patrons and topics.…
It's a Busy, Busy Day!
Today is a busy day for literature – it’s William Shakespeare’s birthday, World Book Day as designated by UNESCO and Adopt a Library Day! So where do I begin? William Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564, so many historians believe he would have been born a few days before,…
Enchanted Library – Success!
With the help of 20 middle school students, staff, and hours of work our 6th Annual Enchanted Library was a success! We had 310 community members take 16 tours through the library in 2.5 hours on Friday evening. All of the actors and tour guides did a great job! Cam…
Making a Difference
I’ve worked in my current position for almost six years and I’ll tell you that I’m not a children’s librarian because I’m making the big bucks; I’m a children’s librarian because I want to make a difference in children’s lives. And I think that’s what’s so great about the field…
Yoga Story Time, Daisy Troop Visit, & Play Practice
… or just another day as a children’s librarian! This is the type of day that makes me absolutely LOVE what I do for a living. I began my afternoon (late shift) with a 45-minute yoga story time. We used the same “sock” theme as yesterday, but incorporated some yoga…
April is… National Poetry Month
After combining a number of ideas we found online a co-worker and I created this AWESOME display for National Poetry Month. We combined a homemade calendar of mammoth proportion (4 posterboards and crepe paper) and created our very own pockets for poems and added a whole bunch of eye-catching (new)…
Dewey the Cat or otherwise titled Library Pets
Let me start off by saying, my library does not have a library cat (although that would be kind of cool). We actually have a turtle and for all of you thinking a turtle doesn’t seem very interactive, well then, you’ve never experienced a turtle in the library before! When…
Libraries: Not Just for Books
I spent the afternoon yesterday at Longwood Gardens – a beautiful space with some amazing features including North America’s largest living wall! That got me thinking about how I could incorporate more science with a focus on planting and growing into the library. I’d love to create an outdoor classroom…