Director’s Thoughts – 3/19/25
I try very hard to steer clear of politics on this blog, rather focusing my energy on providing children’s book choices for kids of all ages and reading levels. And today’s post wasn’t going to be political, until President Trump signed more executive orders on Friday night and did so…
Director’s Thoughts – 2/28/25
When I started as a director nine years, I felt strongly that we needed to have one day where most of the staff could come together to learn about the overall vision of the library, work on projects, and spend time together. It’s difficult to share information (I know, I’m…
Director’s Thoughts – 1/17/24
Today I want to talk about trying new things. It’s still the beginning of the year and I thought that it made sense about making changes at a time when a lot of people are resetting for a new year with resolutions, words of the year, and goal setting. Librarians…
Director’s Thoughts – 12/13/24
I’d have to say one of favorite things about working in a library is selecting new books for the collection. It’s a lot of fun unboxing new books and checking out titles that get automatically added to my TBR list. But, coming in a very close second is the opposite…
Director’s Thoughts – 11/22/24
Since it’s November and a time for gratefulness, I decided to share ten reasons why I’m thankful for libraries. I grew up visiting my home library since I can remember and I started working in libraries when I was 14 years old. I have had a passion for libraries for…
Director’s Thoughts – 10/25/24
Today I want to talk about different types of librarianship or as I put it in my notes, beyond public libraries. Librarians become librarians through a diverse set of means and backgrounds. I’m someone who had wanted to be a librarian since I was seven years old. But for many…
Director’s Thoughts – 9/25/24
How do you get people in the door? It’s hard when there are so many things vying for people’s attention these days. And when Amazon can deliver to your door, what can a public library offer that makes people want to visit? This is a question my staff and I…
Director’s Thoughts – 8/16/2024
If you’ve never gotten a chance to tour the Library of Congress, it should be added to your bucket list! The building itself is absolutely gorgeous and as the largest library in the world, it’s an impressive sight to behold! The Thomas Jefferson Building was opened to the public in…
Director’s Thoughts – 7/12/2024
Today I thought I’d highlight some resources that many libraries have that are often very expensive and don’t get as much usage as we’d all like! I’m talking about the online resources that you can access from home online because the library pays a subscription for them. What I love…
Director’s Thoughts – 6/14/2024
It’s June, which means I’ve got to talk all about summer reading, what else would I talk about? Summer reading programs are the bread and butter of public library and I want to share a little bit about the history of the program, how it may seem that a lot…