• Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 2/16/2024

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    February is Library Lover’s Month! And so I thought I might share the love about libraries and give you some great reasons why libraries deserve our love and some ways you can share your library love as well! If you didn’t get a chance to read last month’s Director’s Thoughts…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 1/19/2024

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    Today’s Director’s Thoughts post is a list of ten things that you might not know about librarians and libraries. I love learning about what other people do and hearing about the intricacies of what their work is like, especially in careers I know little about. I’m sharing a few of…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Community Helpers


    Community Helpers is a popular theme for preschool and there are dozens of books that would work! You can actually make this one storytime into an entire series – choosing just one type of community helper for each week. For today, I chose to provide books about nine different types…

  • Lifestyle

    Malcolm Gladwell on Research


    Wired does a series of videos on YouTube where they invite an expert in a field to answer Twitter questions about that topic. Recently, Malcolm Gladwell was on answering questions about research. I find these interviews fascinating, partially for the questions they choose and I always learn a little something.…