• Activities

    Blogging A to Z: Tigers

    During the month of April, I’ll be participating in the Blogging From A to Z Challenge.  My theme for the month is Storytime Plans From A to Z.  Each plan will have eight stories as well as four songs, fingerplays or rhymes to match the theme!  As you can see,…

  • Activities

    Blogging A to Z: Jungle

    During the month of April, I’ll be participating in the Blogging From A to Z Challenge.  My theme for the month is Storytime Plans From A to Z.  Each plan will have eight stories as well as four songs, fingerplays or rhymes to match the theme!  As you can see,…

  • Activities

    Blogging From A to Z: Elephants

    During the month of April, I’ll be participating in the Blogging From A to Z Challenge.  My theme for the month is Storytime Plans From A to Z.  Each plan will have eight stories as well as four songs, fingerplays or rhymes to match the theme!  As you can see,…

  • Activities

    Family Storytime – Tigers

    I must be on some sort of subconscious jungle adventure in my head, as last Saturday I did an elephant theme and today I did a tiger theme.  I’m not going to argue as both storytimes have gone really well.  Although I didn’t have a large group of kids –…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Jungle

    We haven’t planned many weekend programs for our library, I work so much during the week, I’m hesitant to work some more on the weekend!  But, I do work a couple of Saturdays throughout the year.  We’re beginning to think about offering more on the weekends so we did a…