• Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm Thankful For

    This list could go on forever, so I tried to force myself to keep to titles that I’m thankful for that were published this year in middle grade fiction. I still had a lot more titles that I would love to highlight, but here’s what I came up with for…

  • Lists

    It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 11/19/17

    I wasn’t able to get to all my reading this week, but I got to finish a few titles and honestly didn’t expect to finish as much as I did. This week I read: Me and Marvin Gardens by A.S. King Forget Me Not by Ellie Terry Patina by Jason…

  • Lists

    It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 11/13/17

    I must say, I kicked butt reading this week and boy does it feel good! Work has slowed down a little bit and with few evening commitments and a cell phone sitting in a bag of rice (phones + toilets don’t mix), I read more than I have in a…

  • Lists

    It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 10/23/17

    This week I read some really great middle grade titles – Race to the Bottom of the Sea by Lindsay Eagar, All’s Faire In Middle School by Victoria Jamieson, Ban This Book by Alan Gratz, and Posted by John David Anderson. These titles were all very well written and ones that I can’t wait…

  • Lists

    It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 10/2/17

    I can’t believe it’s October! The older I get, the faster time seems to go! I’m working on trying to read more throughout the week (rather than sitting in front of the television after dinner) and this week it seemed to work! I got a chance to read: Elsie May…

  • Lifestyle

    Celebrate International Literacy Day

    Today celebrates the 50th anniversary of International Literacy Day with the hope to increase literacy rates around the world and to recognize the efforts of organizations fighting this fight. This year’s theme for UNESCO’s International Literacy Day is Reading the Past, Writing the Future which I think is so important…

  • Lists


    I’m on vacation! I’ve got a bunch of posts that will be published while I’m away, but I won’t be on social media too much – too much to see and do! My boyfriend and I are heading to London, Paris and Venice for two weeks on our first true…

  • Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Modern Titles to Pair with Classics

    I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a huge fan of classic literature read in high school – I think it’s difficult to teach, it’s difficult to connect to students’ lives and it’s often filled with a lot of old/dead white men. So, this Top Ten Tuesday is…

  • Lifestyle

    Racism, Children's Classics and the World Today

    This post has been in my heart and mind for a few days now and after seeing Grace Lin speak about this very issue on PBS NewsHour and in light of recent events, I think it’s an important subject that kids, parents, teachers, librarians and everyone in between should be…

  • Lists

    (Unofficial) Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Titles for Shark Week

    I’ve had a number of kids interested in shark books – everything from picture books (for those who frighten easily) to nonfiction titles that show rows of teeth and talk about sharks as apex predators and an important part of the ecosystem. So while everyone watches Michael Phelps race a…