2025 Blogging A to Z April Challenge: Theme Reveal
Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! Spring is almost h ere and I’ve got daffodils poking through my garden beds. Although I love seeing flowers everywhere, I also love April because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month! This will be my 10th year participating in…
Top Ten Tuesday: How My Reading Habits Have Changed Over Time
I’m sure my reading habits have changed similarly to other people’s as they’ve gotten older. I have less time to read, but I still make it a priority to spend time reading each day. I think that’s probably one of the only things that hasn’t changed! So many people are…
2024 Blogging A to Z: Theme Reveal
Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! Spring is just around the corner and I’ve already got daffodils blooming in my garden beds! Although I love seeing flowers everywhere, I also love April because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month! This will be my 9th year…
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Meant to Read in 2023 But Didn’t Get To
I’m really hoping to read more middle grade novels this year and I’d love to start with some of these titles. These books were all published in 2023. And I’m excited because a bunch of these titles just won awards this morning at the ALA Youth Media Awards! I’ve been…
Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals 2024
It’s that time of year to set goals, resolutions, “words of the year”, basically a great big reset! Check out my word of the year – I think it’s going to be a word I have to work at this year, but I’m ready to trust myself. I love getting…