A Year of Meaningful Reads
Brightly has created a year-long book club for families based on different themes each month called A Year of Meaningful Reads. What’s great about the way Brightly, a Penguin Random House initiative, is that each month there are titles for all different age groups. January’s theme was kindness, and you…
‘Ohana Means Family
Synopsis: “Join the family, or ohana, as they farm taro for poi to prepare for a traditional luau celebration with a poetic text in the style of The House That Jack Built. “This is the land that’s never been sold, where work the hands, so wise and old, that reach through…
Slice of Life Day 30: Full House & a Busy Day
My parents, brother, sister-in-law, niece, nephew and my parent’s dog are staying at my place for the weekend! It’s been a very busy day already – we went out for breakfast, walked down to the playground, played outside, ran to the grocery store, had lunch, went back outside to play,…
Slice of Life Day 28: My Place to Relax
The same time I was finishing up graduate school, my parents downsized in square footage and upsized (is that a word?) the gorgeous property quotient. They found a log home on 13 acres of land in the country with a private lake on the property. So when I spend time…
Slice of Life Day 27: Looking Forward to the Weekend
This week seems to be passing by so slowly! My parents (and their dog), plus my brother, sister-in-law and my niece and nephew are all coming into town this weekend! It’s been a few months since I’ve seen everyone – it was Christmas time when I saw my brother’s family…
Slice of Life Day 5: Cook Them Tasty Food
“Love People. Cook Them Tasty Food.” Penzy’s Spices I started cooking when I was little. You don’t have a choice when you’re growing up as one of four siblings in a household where your parents like to cook and try new food. Nights were spent helping to make dinner and…
Top Ten Tuesday: Wintry Picture Books
I love snow, especially when I’m safe at home and don’t have to drive anywhere in it! I chose to highlight ten picture book titles that showcase snow and what humans and animals do when it snows. With diverse illustrations, poetry, nonfiction, stories, and more. You won’t want to miss…
Top Ten Tuesday: Family Relationships
This week’s theme was to focus on platonic relationships and I decided to take a close look at family relationships after just spending a long weekend with a lot of my own family. The families in these books are either blood-related or adopted, but just as important are chosen families –…
#blogbookaday: Alma and How She Got Her Name
Summary: “If you ask her, Alma Sofia Esperanza José Pura Candela has way too many names: six! How did such a small person wind up with such a large name? Alma turns to Daddy for an answer and learns of Sofia, the grandmother who loved books and flowers; Esperanza, the great-grandmother…
AtoZ Blogging Challenge – "X" Marks the Spot
Program Name: X Marks the Spot: A Library Scavenger Hunt What: This is a great program to introduce the library layout to kids (or adults!) It can be as simple as giving a library tour and then handing a card to each child instructing them to search for a specific item.…