• Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 13: One Year


    One year ago, I was told we were closing the library for two weeks to self-quarantine. Never in a million years would I have guessed where we’d be now. It’s been one heck of a year. But, I’m going to share a positive rather than harp on all the negative…

  • Reviews

    Moo-Moo, I Love You!


    Synopsis: “New York Times bestselling pair Tom Lichtenheld and Amy Krouse Rosenthal present udderly perfect expressions of affection to share between any cow and calf: I love you no matter your moo-d. I love giving you a big s-moo-ch. My love for you is as big as . . . a MOO-SE! With…

  • Reviews

    Billy and the Balloons


    Synopsis: “Fly up, up, and away with Billy! When the wind takes Billy and his colorful balloons on a ride in the sky, he ends up having the most magical Christmas ever. A small boy + a big bunch of balloons = magic! Billy’s dad has a special touch with balloons,…

  • Reviews

    Jayla Jumps In

    double dutch

    Synopsis: When eleven-year-old Jayla finds out that her mother used to be a Double Dutch champion, she’s stunned. Her mom, who’s on doctor’s orders to lower her blood pressure, could move like that?!? Jayla decides to follow in her mom’s footsteps, thinking that maybe double Dutch can make her stand…

  • Lists

    Diwali Picture Books


    Happy Diwali readers! One of India’s largest holidays of the year, this 5-day festival of lights begins today! Learn more about Diwali from Nat Geo Kids! My community has a large population of Indian families and the library celebrates Diwali every year. Typically we host a large gathering and highlight…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Family


    For the month of November, I’m going to be sharing storytime themes about the things I’m grateful for! First up? That’s easy, family. If nothing else comes out of this crazy, mixed-up, upside-down year I have learned how much my family truly means to me. With my siblings spread across…

  • Reviews

    Dudley’s Day at Home


    Synopsis: “’What does Dudley do all day while we’re away?’ Sam wonders. Mom explains that Dudley does ordinary dog things: he eats, naps, guards the house, and plays. But in Sam’s mind, Dudley’s day at home is anything but ordinary. Delightful digital paintings depict the human activities Sam imagines Dudley…

  • Reviews

    Hike by Pete Oswald

    forest hiking trail

    Synopsis: “In the cool and quiet early light of morning, a father and child wake up. Today they’re going on a hike. Follow the duo into the mountains as they witness the magic of the wilderness, overcome challenges, and play a small role in the survival of the forest. By…

  • Lists

    9 Books for New Big Brothers & Sisters


    My close friends just had their second baby this week – a beautiful little girl whom we got a chance to meet last night. And who also sparked my inspiration for this post for my friends’ two-year-old about becoming a big sister. She’s already loving on her baby sister, which…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life: Grateful for “My People”

    blue flower

    Without going into many details (and I hate vague posting), work has been challenging in the face of COVID-19. First, most librarians (me included) choose this career to make a difference in our community. Our building has been closed for two months now and honestly, I’m not sure when we’ll…