Storytime Theme: Pride Month
I love centering a Pride Month storytime around families the way a lot of these books do! Because as one of the books is called Love Makes a Family and families come in all sorts of different ways. This storytime lesson plan is a great way to support families in…
Top Ten Tuesday: Great Families in Middle Grade
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday theme is a relationship freebie – friendship, romance, family, etc. And so, today I’m sharing all about great families that you’ll find in middle grade novels. Many of these stories have large immediate families which reminds me of growing up with my own family. I am…
18 Wordless Picture Books for Families
I adore wordless picture books! I think they’re so fun and imaginative, but I also know that they can also be a little intimidating to families. How do you “read” a wordless book? How do you get the story to your kids and are you “reading” it correctly? But, I’m…