• Activities

    Storytime Theme: Exercise

    Exercise Storytime header

    While I wouldn’t necessarily say that kids need to “work out” I do think that encouraging kids to be active is a healthy choice! Kids lead very sedentary lives, especially when they reach school age, so encouraging healthy habits early is helpful. And kids can learn that exercise is a…

  • Lifestyle

    30 Day Yoga Journey


    I’ve officially started on my quest to fulfill my 2021 goals and first up was a glass of water this morning and a yoga class. Last year, I signed up for a 30 Day Yoga Journey for the month of January. The classes are all free on YouTube and offered…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life: Yoga Journey

    yoga feet

    As I spent an afternoon mindlessly scrolling through Twitter before the New Year, I stumbled upon a 30-Day Yoga Journey. Adriene offered a yoga practice for 30 days in a row to start off the new year. I signed up on a whim and thought it would be something fun…