• Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Chapter Books

    chapter books

    Letter “C” is for chapter books! This is probably one of the most misunderstood terms in children’s literature, so let me explain. While most people use this term for any book with chapters in it that is geared toward kids, it’s actually a specific term. Unfortunately, it’s often misused online…

  • Lists

    April Read Alouds

    cherry blossoms

    April starts on Monday and I’m getting this book list out with just a few days to spare! I’ve pulled together a list of daily holidays in April combined with a great read aloud picture book that fits the theme. You don’t have to read these in any specific order…

  • Lists

    March Read Alouds

    March Read Alouds

    I’m getting this book list out just in the nick of time for the start of March! I’ve pulled together a list of daily holidays in March combined with a great read aloud picture book that fits the theme. You don’t have to read these in any specific order if…

  • Lists

    February Read Alouds

    lantern festival header

    January’s read alouds received a number of reviews and even a comment (which doesn’t happen often!), so I’m back with a list of February read alouds filled with 29 picture books to celebrate important, wacky, sentimental, and silly holidays every day of the month! I’m not taking all the credit,…

  • Lists

    January Read Alouds

    winter sunset

    I decided to try something new and create a giant list of read alouds for the month based on fun, silly, important, educational, and wacky holidays! I honestly have no idea who comes up with some of these things, but it’s a fun little factoid to share and it allows…