2025 Blogging A to Z April Challenge: Theme Reveal
Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! Spring is almost h ere and I’ve got daffodils poking through my garden beds. Although I love seeing flowers everywhere, I also love April because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month! This will be my 10th year participating in…
ALA’s 2025 Youth Media Awards
This morning, the American Library Association announced the Youth Media Awards. The most popular being the Caldecott and Newbery Awards. But, in actuality, there are over 20 award announcements this morning! Today, I’m sharing the winners and honors and a little note about what each award is for and what…
20 Audiobooks for the Whole Family
Summertime is just around the corner and if you’re anything like my family was growing up, we spent a lot of time on road trips! With both my parents being professors, we were lucky to have time to travel during the summer and often spent time visiting family in exciting…
2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Reflections
It’s May 1st which means that my ninth year of the Blogging A to Z Challenge is officially over! Thank you to everyone who stopped by. I had record views on my blog this month, and it was really great to see so many comments and new readers! With over…
Books All About the Olympics for Kids
Paris will be hosting the Olympic Games in just a few short months and I wanted to share some really great Olympics books for kids that are already out there. You can get started now to be even more inspired by your favorite athletes or learn about a new sport!…
12 Poetry Books for Kids
I think poetry is one of the most feared versions of literature available. And I think there’s a reason for it. As a student in school you learn poetry and you have to find the deeper meaning of the words. Or you have to stand up and recite a memorized…
15 Diverse Easy Readers
Today I’m sharing easy readers. This is a group of books that I don’t often share about but is so vitally important to creating strong readers. Easy readers are geared toward kids from ages 4-7 (with wiggle room as usual) who are beginning to learn how to read. These books…
2024 Blogging A to Z: Theme Reveal
Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! Spring is just around the corner and I’ve already got daffodils blooming in my garden beds! Although I love seeing flowers everywhere, I also love April because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month! This will be my 9th year…
ALA’s 2024 Youth Media Awards
This morning, the American Library Association announced the Youth Media Awards. The most popular being the Caldecott and Newbery Awards. But, in actuality, there are over 20 award announcements this morning! Today, I’m sharing the winners and honors and a little note about what each award is for and what…
12 Read Alikes for Elephant & Piggie Fans
For kids (and adults) who are fans of Mo Willems’ and his adorable Elephant & Piggie series, I’ve collected a dozen titles that you might just need to check out! Elephant and Piggie like the predecessors, Frog and Toad, are two opposites who become the best of friends and balance…