Toddler Storytime – Summer Week #3
Although a little crazy this morning, my books went over really well! The parents really enjoyed This Little Piggy and there were lots of kissing sounds all around while I read The Biggest Kiss and during Moo! after I had read a particularly long line of Moos, a little baby started repeating the sound… it…
Yoga Storytime – Summer Week #3
Storytime was a lot of fun today! The kids in my first group were excellent at paying attention to directions, listening to the stories and interacting. It was a great way to come back from a long weekend. My second group was smaller, but the kids enjoyed it just as…
Toddler Storytime – Summer Week #2
It was one of those days with a HUGE crowd for storytime, most had registered while some families just popped in at the last moment. All was going well until a child threw up on the stairs of our storytime room (we have stadium style rows). Being that this was…
Yoga Storytime – Week #2
The kids really loved our books this week! We had such a fun time reading and interacting. There has been such a positive response, that we actually opened a second class, so now I have two yoga classes back-to-back which can be a little hectic, but our patrons were very…
Toddler Storytime – Summer Week #1
This was my first storytime for the summer and it started with very few people. But, by the end I had a huge, lively crowd (at least 25 kids) plus the adults and their siblings. It wasn’t a bad storytime as far as talking, crying, and not listening… there were…
Yoga Storytime – Summer Week #1
My storytimes for the summer officially started yesterday and we have so many people on our waiting list, I’ll be doing my Yoga Storytime back-to-back. The room we use for our program isn’t very large, so we decided to smaller classes would be the best way to handle the class.…
Early Literacy Messages In Action
As children’s librarians we all know how important early literacy is to children’s development, but how we portray the significance to the parents and ardians in our community is just as important. Jbrary.com is placing this important message in the forefront of children’s librarians this week with a round up…
Improving Adult Literacy
Engadget, a technology blog, had an article yesterday about improving adult literacy. XPRISE is teaming up with the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy in a competition for developers to create applications to promote reading and writing for adults. The article states that there are 36 million adults living in the…
Flannel Friday 5/22/2015
Although not a flannel board activity, I absolutely love folder games and rhymes. They are so great when you have all the pieces in one spot (including the rhyme) which is perfect because you don’t have to memorize the rhyme when you have something like this. This is a farm…
Toddler Storytime – The Color Red
My first storytime this morning went very well – the kids were very attentive to all the stories which was amazing and although the kids had trouble with they rhymes in Down By the Bay, they still really enjoyed the songs and the adults in the room helped with the…