• Reviews

    Book Review: Calling My Name

    Calling My Name by Liara Tamani is the story of Taja a young teen growing up in Houston, Texas with her family and friends. Taja knows what her parents expect of her – spend quality time with the family, get good grades, go to church every Sunday and abstinence is…

  • Reviews

    Book Review: Love, Ish

    Karen Rivers, author of The Girl In the Well Is Me brings to life Mischa “Ish” Love a girl who believes in her heart that she will be one of the first inhabitants of Mars. She lives and breathes outer space – what she’ll wear, what she’ll eat, what she’ll miss…

  • Lifestyle

    Library Nightmares

    I woke up this morning from a terrifying nightmare about storytime. I’ve had a few dreams about the library, but none that have been as scary as this one!  In my dream I was working at my desk when all of these families come into the library ready for storytime…

  • Lifestyle

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year Readers! “May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful and don’t forget to make some art – write or draw or build or sing or live as only…

  • Reviews


    Wake written by Lisa McMann is the first book in the Wake trilogy.  A quick read, the book sucks you right from the beginning.  Janie, a 17-year old, gets sucked into other people’s dreams, which makes life truly difficult when you’re still in high school with peers sleeping through class, study hall,…